Small disagreement.

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Y/N and Tom had gotten into an argument the previous night, which rarely happened. It was of those arguments that started with a small disagreement and took a detour to many other disagreements.

The birds are chirping outside, the tree branches dancing in the wind, the cold London airmisting up the windows.

Y/N had her back to Tom and was laying on the very edge of the bed, trying to avoid any physical contact contact with Tom which she knew was just a tad bit childish.
She was waiting for him to get up and leave the room so that she could, then she felt a strong arm around her.

She frowned, wondering how he could have the audacity to act as if nothing had happened at all.
She threw his arm off of her, wiggling as far away as she could.

He parted his lips, slightly hurt by Y/N's actions but he understood what he had done and that he needed to make it right. "W-want some tea?" He stuttered, breaking the loud silence that had filled the room. She ignored him, staring at the wall infront of her. "Y/N, I really am sorry about last night." She acknowledged the sincerity in his tone; part of her wanting to talk it out while hugging him and the other part wanting to kick him. She knew it wasn't necessary to get so upset over a small fight, but conflict brought up some unpleasant memories from her past that she'd rather not go over.

"Darling?" No response. He sighed softly. "I'll go out for a drive and give you some time to yourself, please know that I love you." The thought of his love for her bringing a soft smile to his face.

He made his way towards the door "Wait." She sat up; once she had looked at him she noticed that he had been crying, she was suddenly hit by a sudden and powerful wave of emotion, she loved Tom and Tom loved her. "Don't go." Tears began to form in her eyes and before she knew it, he was at her side, pulling her close and encasing her in a hug. wrapping "I'm not going anywhere if you don't want me to, and that doesn't just apply to now, I mean always."
She allowed herself to let all the tears out, her face buried in his chest, breathing in his comforting and familiar scent. He planted a kiss on her head "Tom?" She sniffled, looking up at him. "Mm?" He met her gaze, looking at her lovingly, she smiled softly. "I love you."

Tom Hiddleston imagines !!UNDER EDITING!!Where stories live. Discover now