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Before we begin. I'd like to say this will be going back and forth between 1st pov's but I will give you a notice. Names will be written above when talking. This is my first try at writing if I'm doing something incorrectly let me know. On with the story.

In another realm called the Enchanted Forrest is a world we would think to be known as mere tales we grew up with; From Snow White to Red Riding Hood all the way to Pinocchio. This is there world. But this isn't where the hero's and villains would be seen for 28 years. Let's begin the story with how this came to be my world.

(Hannah's POV)
My brother and I are on a bus to Boston to see are real mom. Her names Emma Swan. Henry thought it would be a good idea to not tell anyone where we are going. I'm a bit nervous I've never liked to leave anywhere for long. I'm sitting next to Henry reading our story book over his shoulder. I think he could tell I was getting scared. " Are you alright Hannah, we'll be there soon? " " I don't know how I feel about this anymore Henry, we've never left home before. " I was starting to get anxious and jumpy. Henry reached behind me and gave me a hug reassuring me. "I'll be with you the whole time Han". "Thanks Henry". We looked out the window for the rest of the drive with Henry holding my hand. On our way a lady asks us, "Is that a good book?". I was never trusting of people and rarely talked to anyone but Henry so Henry replied to the lady with," It's more than just a book". I agree with him. It's just a feeling that I get when we read the pages together.
Getting off the bus we walk around trying to find the apartment Emma lives in. I'm getting very anxious, I can't stop pulling on my sleeve. Henry's a good brother asking if I'm okay and holding my hand throughout this adventure. After walking for awhile I pointed out a taxi to Henry. " Why don't we jump in a taxi. My feet hurt" " Good idea, Hannah". Henry walked over with me in toll. Taping on the cabs window, Henry asked" Do you take credit cards?" The man replied," Where to chief?" Here we go. Let's hope Emma's nice.

Emma's POV
I walk into the restaurant looking for my bail's arrest. I found him. He looks so fraud I don't know how people don't realize. My pink dress and heels look like they work in this high end restaurant. The man stands up and asked"Emma?" " Ryan?" I reply. " you look relieved" Walking to the table he pulls the chair out for me to sit. He says" well, it is the internet. Pictures can be..." continuing for him I say," Fake? Outdated? Stolen from a Victoria's Secret catalog?" Laughing we continue to talk. Ryan asks me"tell me something about yourself, Emma." Replying to his question I say "Well, todays my birthday." " and you're spending it with me? What about your friends?" " kind of a loner" "And you don't like your family?" "No family to like" " oh. Come on, everyone has family." " Technically yeah. And everyone knows who they are. Ready to run yet?" " oh, not a chance. You, Emma, are, by far, the sexiest friendless orphan that I have ever met." Stopping him there, I say "Okay. Your turn. No, wait let me guess. Um, you are handsome. Charming." He smiles saying" Go on" continuing to boost up his ego, I finish with "the kind of guy who, and now stop me if I get this wrong, embezzled from your employer, got arrested, and skipped town before they were able to throw your ass in jail?" This fool looks so nervous now. Ha I got him. " He chuckles nervously asking "what?" I give him a sad look saying "And the worst part of all this is your wife. Your wife loves you so much that she bailed you out. And how do you repay that loyalty? You're on a date." He ask, "Who are you?" I reply with, " the chick who put up the rest of the money." " A bail bondsman?" "Bail bonds person." Ugh, he flipped the table on me. " Really" I say out loud. Damn, now I have to wash out the wine. He better run quick because now I'm upset. Walking out of the restaurant I see him running across the road to get to his car. To bad for him because I already put a boot on his tire. I walk calmly across the road to get to him. He's sitting in his seat trying to find out why the car won't move. Ryan says," You don't have to do this, okay? I can pay you. I've got money." Idiot. " No, you don't. And if you did, you should give it to your wife to take care of your family." He gives me a ugly look saying, "What the hell do you know about family, hug?" I'm beyond mad. Okay, okay calm down. We can't kill him. But we can lightly hurt. I grabbed that jerks collar and slammed his face into the drivers wheel hard. He's not waking up for awhile.
Walking up to my apartment with my to-go bag. I set my keys down and take off my heels. I set my bag on the counter and get my birthday cupcake out ready to make the same wish I make every year. I find a candle and lite it. Kneeling down I say out loud, " Another banner year." Closing my eyes I make my same wish, hoping this year will be different. As I blow out my candle the door bell rings. Who could that be this late? Standing up I walk to the front door to see who it is. Looking around I see know one. Wait. I look down and see you kids. They look somewhat similar. They must be related. I say, "Um... can I help you?" The boy looks quite outgoing while the girl is somewhat hiding behind him. She is looking at the floor and is looking anxious.

Hannah's POV
Henry and I arrived at the apartment. We had to go up so many stairs that I'm exhausted. We got to the right door and I wanted to ring the door bell. " I want to ring the bell" " You got to push the button for the elevator, Hannah" " Yeah, but I want to do this one too!" " Okay, whatever" "Yes!" I rang the bell and then realizing what's about to happen I get scared and hide behind Henry. He looks at me as if to ask if I'm okay but I can't move. I'm frozen stiff. A lady in a pink dress opens the door looking down at the two of us. She says," Um... can I help you?"" Are you Emma Swan?", Henry asked. Emma replied," Yeah, Who are you two?" I'm looking at the floor afraid to even look up. Henry looked over at me, grabbing my hand, replied with" My names Henry and this here is Hannah. We're your kids". Henry started pulling us through the door while Emma was saying" Whoa! Hey guys? Guys? Guys? I don't have any kids. Where are your parents?" What is Emma talking about, of course she has kids. We're right here. My hands are getting sweating and I'm not wanting to stay here anymore. Henry tells Emma," Ten years ago, did you give twins up for adoption? That was the two of us" I looked away from the floor from the first time to see what Emma would say. She just had a shocked face on. Emma just looked at the two of us and walked away saying," Give me a minute". I looked at Henry and said " I think you scared her. Can we go home yet I'm tired, scared are quite hungry?" " Soon, let me see what she has to eat". Henry asked Emma who hasn't came back yet" Do you have any juice? Never mind found some." He took a drink from the lid. Who does that! That is so unhygienic. " Henry, why!" "What" " You know I don't like it when you do that!" "Do you want some or not" "Fine". I closed my eyes and took a drink. I so am not doing that again. I handed the juice back to Henry and I finished off the juice. I grabbed Henry's hand again and waiting for Emma to come back into the room. Henry told Emma," we should probably get going". I looked at Emma trying to piece together why she gave us away. She looks nice, she'd be a cool mom. Emma asked," going where?" Is Emma crazy. Home Emma. Home. Henry replied, we want you to come home with us" she looked at the two of us and said," okay, kid. I'm calling the cops. He replied with the smartest answer, when he has them, " Then I'll tell them you kidnapped us." Emma's face was so funny if I wasn't anxious right now I'd laugh. Emma said," they'll believe you because I'm your birth mother" I nodded my head while said"yep" Emma gave him a smirk saying," you're not gonna do that." Why is she smirking? "Try me" Henry said. Emma's smiling saying," you're pretty good. But here's the thing. There's not a lot I'm great at in life. I have one skill. Let's call it a super power. I can tell when anyone is lying. And you,kid, are." She grabbed the phone and was starting to call. That's so cool. I want a superpower. Like what if I could read minds or fly. Never mind I'd be too scared. Wait. We are so in trouble if she calls someone. Henry and I looked at each other saying with our eyes " oh great". Henry said, "wait. Please don't call the cops. Please. Come home with us." Sighing Emma asked," where's home?" If you knew me well you could see that I had s small smile on my face. " Storybrooke, Maine" "Storybrooke, seriously?" We nodded our heads in unison. " Alrighty then. Let's get you back to Storybrooke." We walked out and got in Emma's car. I sat in the back so I didn't have to be so close to Emma. I'm still not to sure about her.
We've been in the car for a while. I'm hungry but to tired to think about it. I'm looking out the window. Trying to stay awake because I don't really trust Emma yet. I don't want to wake up not knowing where I am.
Henry's POV
I think Hannah fell asleep. She needs it. She gets stressed quite often. Mom keeps looking at me. I think she wants to ask a question but doesn't know where to begin. I start a conversation, " I'm hungry. You wanna stop somewhere?" Mom replied, "This is not a road trip. We're not stopping for snacks." I ask,"Why not?" "Quit complaining kid. Your sisters quite. Remember, I could have put your butts on a bus. Still could." Why doesn't she use our names. I tell her, "You know I have a name. It's Henry. And Hannah is asleep." I open my book and start to read while mom drives. She ask, "What's that?" I reply, "I'm not sure your ready." "Ready for some fairy tales?" I strongly say, "They're no fairy tales. They're true. Every story in this book actually happened." "Of course it did." "Use your superpower, see if I'm lying." "Just because you believe something doesn't make it true." I tell mom, "That's exactly what makes it true. You should know more than anyone." "Why is that?" "Because you're in this book." "Oh, kid, you've got problems." "Yup, and your going to fix them."
Emma's POV
The kids right. I believe the kid said her name is Hannah is asleep. She seems sweet but she doesn't really talk. I'll ask the kid why. "Hey, kid. Does she ever talk?" "She does to me but she has never really talked to anyone else. She says that people can hurt you if you put to much trust into them" Wow... who hurt her to make her think that. Hopefully a few more hours and I can drop these kids off. I'd like to help them but someone or anyone else is better than me.

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