He'll Always Be There - Mason Mount

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Synopsis: Mason has fell for you but when he comes to finally express his feelings for you, it doesn't go how it expected too.

From the moment Mason met you, he knew you were something special. You and Mason had been best-friends from the age of 11, you two (along with Declan) did everything together. You three were the like the three musketeers; always having each others' back, always being there if you needed each other and always cheering each other up when it was needed.

You and Mason had more closer relationship more than you and Declan did, as you grew up. You had been there for Mason throughout his whole football career and he had been there for you throughout your college and now university years. Apart from his family, there's no one else Mason cared about apart from you. You meant everything to him; so whenever you was upset, it's like a bit of his heart broke as he hated nothing more than seeing you down.

Mason; a couple of months ago had gained feelings for you. Mason couldn't help but not catch feelings for you; you were so kind-hearted, sweet, loving and no matter what was able to put a big smile onto his face whenever you two were together. There was nothing more that Mason wanted other than to tell you exactly how he felt about you; but he couldn't.

You had come over to his house after university with good news, he also had good news to tell you; but he insisted that you went first as he loved seeing you so happy and excited about something. Mason thought the good news that you had gotten a really good grade on your assignment or that you had finally gotten the placement you had applied for; but as soon as you told him that you had gotten a new boyfriend, his smile dropped and so did his heart. He looked at the smile on your face and realised how happy you was, so he smiled softly and he mumbled softly an "I'm happy for you" before you pulled him into a tight hug. You asked him what his good news was, and instead of using this chance to finally express his feelings for you; he told you it wasn't important before you carried on telling about your brand new relationship.

In the first couple of weeks of you being in a new relationship, you were very happy. You had never been so happy in your life; Mason loved seeing you happy but he wished that he was that person that was making you happy. He wanted to be the reason you were smiling everyday, he wanted to be the one to treat you like you deserved and most of all, he wanted to be the person that could love you forever; but he couldn't be. Mason knew the only way he could get over you, was to slowly get rid of his feelings for you which meant he had to distance himself from you; even though it killed him too.

You spent a lot of time with your new boyfriend, and you and Mason slowly started drifting. You didn't think much of it, you just thought that he was busy with training and games; you didn't think that it was because he was in love with you. You and your boyfriend was having the best time of your life; until it started to get messy.

You were new to relationships; you had never been in one before. So when your boyfriend began to accuse of seeing other men behind his back, you couldn't help but laugh at him and tell him how ridiculous he sounded. You tried to reassure him you wasn't seeing anyone else and that you loved him, and him only, after he heard you say you loved him, he apologised for accusing you and you both got back on track.

After a while, your boyfriend began to start to distance from you, he stopped coming to see you and he stopped making an effort you, he stopped calling you and he stopped replying to your messages. You didn't know what was happening, you thought everything was okay between the two of you. You kept calling and texting him until, he finally messaged you back.

I never liked you, I never have and never will. I don't know what gave you that impression that I'd ever like you in that way ever. You were easy and I wanted easy.

As soon as you read that message, your heart shattered into a million of pieces and just sobbed. You had never felt feelings like this before, you were hurting more than you'd ever imagine. How could you be easy when you'd never been in a relationship before him? How could he say that he never liked you, when he poured his heart out to you? How could the one person who you let in and the first person you told that you loved, break your heart like that?

Mason decided that enough was enough, he had to come and see you. He hated being distant from you, so he picked up the courage to come and see you. Mason got out of his car, slowly made his way to your door before he knocked on the door softly. He was expecting to see your beautiful smile when you opened the door, but all he saw you red-faced sobbing.

"Hey hey hey, what's wrong?" Mason said to you softly before hugging you.

"H-he b-broke u-up with me Mase" You said sobbing into his shoulder. "H-he he c-called me easy and said he never liked m-me like that. Worst of all, he did it over text, not even face to face. Who does that?" Mason did nothing but hug you tighter.

"I'm so sorry darlin, he's a prick and he doesn't deserve you. You deserve someone who actually cares about you and loves you for you. You have one of the biggest hearts, and you deserve nothing but the best. You are one of a kind, you really are" Mason said mumbling into your hair softly.

"I really loved him Mase, I really did" You said softly. Mason lifted his finger under your chin, before looking down at you.

"I know you did and one day you'll find that special someone, I promise you. Any man would be lucky to have you, they really would" Mason said before you hugged him softly.

"I love you Mase" You said mumbling into Mason's chest.

"I love you too" Mason said. He knew you meant it in a completely different to how he did, but he couldn't help but get a little heart flutter when you told him you loved him.

As Mason hugged you, he knew he couldn't tell you how he felt about you. He knew he couldn't put you in that situation after everything you've been through tonight. As much as he wanted nothing but for you both to be together, but he knew it wasn't the right time. He knew that he had to put all of his love for you aside and he needed to be there to comfort you; which he didn't mind doing because whenever you needed him, he knew that he'll always be there.

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