Why i havent been active

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Hey guys, gals and everything in between!

As you all may know, ive been very inactive and there are multiple reasons to why this is:

1. School
I haven't been working very well in school recently and its been alot mire stressful recently with exams coming up and ive been mainly focusing on that.

2. Mental health
My mental health for a certain period of time haven't been amazing and that unfortunately has led to me thinking things that i shouldn't be thinking about.

3. Family issues
Me and my mums side of my family have been really concerned lately because my great-grandad has been in the hospital for quite some time and we are just really worried for him.

4. Birthdays
I have too many friends and aload of birthdays have been coming up (not to mention christmas aswell 💀) and its been really stressful getting everyone the correct present.

One again, i am so sorry that i have been inactive. I will try to be more active and get to posting more but only time will tell about that.

Thank you all for understanding ☺️

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2021 ⏰

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