Chapter 1

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"Once you finish that, remember to finish the book I gave you." Tim said over my shoulder as I finished writing down the report of a case Bruce had finished.

I looked up and said "But, you didn't-" Tim put a book in front of me and smiled

"I found this in the back of the library! It's a thousand different ways to solve math equations! Cool right?" Tim said excitedly.

I look at the book which looked extremely dull.

"I don't know, I kinda wanted to-" I stopped then tried again "I kinda wanted to skate today!"

Tim looked confused "But you already mastered all of the tricks, don't you want to improve on something else now?"

"Not really" I muttered but he sighed and took the book back.

"Fine! Go work on something you can already do!" He said before stomping off.

I blink, feeling bad that he felt so disappointed but on the other hand.....

I jumped up from my desk and ran out of the study. Unfortunately I met Dick in the hall.

"Oh Carlos! Have you finished your triple three-sixty kick?" He asked excitedly.

I try to get by him but he's waiting for me to answer.

"Uh," I start. I did finish it but if I say that then he'll assign me a new flip. If I don't say yes then he'll tell me to work on it. "Yeah, I finished it." I mumble.

He heard me and broke out in a grin. "That's fantastic! Next you need to-"

"I'd love to Dick but I'm taking a break right now."

"To do what?" Dick asked like he couldn't imagine anything being more fun than acrobatics.

I hesitate but then say "I'm going to skate!"

Dick frowned "But you know all the tricks already." I wave at him as I turn a corner.

None of them understood that I'm not working on my tricks but just doing them for fun!"

I like skateboarding. It was the only thing I knew that I learned without anyone suggesting I learn it. Because of that, it was my favorite thing to do!

I run but Bruce is stepping out of his office. I hold back a groan as I slow down and put my hands behind my back in a "Oh yes Bruce I always walk calmly and rationally".

I cool my entire composure in case he can tell that I'm going to do something that I find fun that doesn't need any work technically.

"Carlos," He greeted, as he started to pass me.

"Bruce," I answer with a nod.

I can see the stairs that would lead to the front door. I was so close.

"Heading outside?" He suddenly asked.

I bit my tongue and turned to look at him. "Yes sir" I answer, my hopes already plummeting.

This house was like a jail. You needed a plan to escape, you couldn't just walk out. I should have jumped out the library window when I had the chance.

"Are you taking up archery?" He asked.

"No sir," I answer.

"Oh, is Jason teaching you how to shoot a gun?" He asked in confusion.

"No sir." I muttered.

He looked confused but then furrowed his brows. "Skateboarding?"

I look at hima and break my stance "I'll just be out for ten minutes! I just want to get some fresh air!" I defend quickly.

He sighed and frowned at me. "You're always skating, why don't you take up a new hobby."

Like archery? I think bitterly in the back of my mind.

"I just want ten minutes, ten minutes please?" I beg.

He sighed and turned while saying "You should really be practicing your german."

He left me feeling like a lazy person for not practicing another language. But I'm tired of learning everything they want me to learn! I just want to be content with my knowledge for one afternoon, that's all I want!

When Bruce adopted me it was because I had skill, a lot of it. Later I had trusted him and the rest of the family enough to tell him why I'm so good at learning and memorizing everything.

When I was ten I had been in Metropolis with my family when Brainiac attacked. Brainiac blew up most of the city but Superman stopped him obviously. Before he could though Brainiac had taken me and a few others hostage. Superman saved everyone but when he tried to get to me Brainiac had blown up the ship.

I don't know how but in that moment some part of Brainiac got into my brain. Superman saved me but ever since then I had had this amazing power or skill to memorize everything! Not just knowing things but after watching other people's body movement I can copy it without ever doing it before.

Bruce had taken this as a sign that I could easily be the greatest human hero to ever live. He started to train me which I thought was cool at first until soon he and everyone else wanted to teach me new things. Anything they could think of they brought it to me to learn.

After I've learned it they move me to another thing. It was fine at first but now it's overwhelming and I can't get them to stop. Alfred tried to make them slow down and even attempted to set up a schedule, leaving me with six hours of playing throughout the day. That number slowly decreased as everyone came up with new ideas.

Now, I was lucky if I could relax at all! I don't want to let them down but I don't want to be them!

I can tell they are all trying to slowly make me more like them but I don't want to be them!

I know I should work on my German but this time, I'm not going to let Bruce guilt trip me over this one!

I turn and make it outside. I get my skateboard and play with it for maybe six minutes before Jason pulls up in his motorcycle. I wanted to hide or run but knew that he saw me. Once his helmet was removed my fears were confirmed. There was the spark in his eyes that everyone had once they first saw me.

"Hey Carlos! I was watching daredevils last night and really think you'd be able to do it!" He said as he got off his motorcycle and ran to me.

My grimace but flip my board up to catch in my hand.

"Yeah?" I ask as he leads me inside.

I stared at the doors as we get closer. Jason's words start to get muffled as the doors to the manor seem so unwelcoming, so intoxicating, so stuffy. I felt claustrophobic looking at it and a strange fear of me never coming back out of the manor again once I stepped back in, crawled into my mind. It's irrational, I know, but it was still there.

"Lets do it!" I say suddenly.

Jasons stopped talking and looked at me. "Whoa! Right now?" He asked, looking excited.

I nod "Yeah, let's do it right now, in the backyard, outside."

I didn't know what I was agreeing to but anything was better than going back inside right now.

He smiled and said "Well okay! I'll pull up the video on my phone and we can do it!"

I nod and we walk to the backyard, how did my life get so off track?

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