⛧--Chapter 1--⛧ ➼the begins➼

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" leave our house son your old enough to get job and a house" said dad,

Tristen was a run away but he used to live with his parents most of the time but half of the week he is living under a bridge, a run down house, or at his friends but with time he would explore the world and meet others. But now hes in Nahlomit Grove living in a trailer park with a couple of his friends in separate trailers, but this day he would figure a way out of the crap city of Nahlomit Grove.

Grabbing a guitar and talking to his friends who are getting ready, guitar, washboard, drums and a trumpet Tristen and his friends played for the people in the crowd. Singing about death, horror stuff and what's fucked up in the world the people in the crowd singed, moshed, and headbanging.

➼After the show➼

Grabbing the leftover money Tristen looked at his friend william "that was a great show kid you did good" william with a smile he nodded "thanks" william was a 16 year old boy who plays the washboard for Tristen's band " Dead Hounds " watching malinna putting away her drumset Tristen walked up to her to help with the bass drum... ⛧

Driving to the trailer park Tristen, william malinna and bryan stopped at the gas station to get snacks bryan grabbed his trumpet and played a tune as he waited for william, Tristen and malinna. William went into the car and dug around in his backpack "hey brother guess what i stole" bryan looked at william grabbing out a bag of chips "nice kid, learning from Tristen i see?" William nodded and smiled then Tristen and Malinna went back in the car and Tristen drove to the trailer park. ⛧
➼at home➼

Grabbing the coffee mug and chugging down the mug Tristen looked out the window and hummed and looked at his friends trailers "s*** i forgot about the money in the van" putting the mug in the sink he grabbed the car keys to the van and went out "ay whatcha doing Tristen?" said one of the older couple living in the trailer park "grabbing something from the van" 'oh alright kid" the old couple went back to drinking there coffee and watching the nature, grabbing the leftover money a cop was watching Tristen get the money and then locking the van.

Going back to the trailer he saw a cop car drive into the parking lot and get out. The cop had a stack of paper in his hands and went door to door to all the trailers. It seemed like Tristens band mates / friends weren't home, probably out eating together in the local porkins bar, but the cop set the papers down and put them in the door then left. Then the cop knocked on Tristen's door, Tristen quickly got up from the sofa and opened the door "hey have you found this kid? He was last seen yesterday. The suspect vehicle is a blue van with a black stripe on it" the cop looked into the trailer searching for something then searched Tristen with his eyes '' if you find him call us" the cop walked away and went into the car. The boy looked 16 or 15 with black hair, blue eyes and pale skin. Tristen put the paper on the coffee table and watched tv.

Time flies by and it became dark and getting ready for the tour to the town of greenfield grabbing the guitar from the stand and putting the mic in a case and seeing his friends get to the van, Tristen left the trailer and ran to the back of the van and put his stuff in the cramped space between the drums and cases of different instruments. Getting in the front and starting the van "ay i wonder where that kid is.. You know the kid who disappeared or got kidnapped" malinna said as she watched nature and trees through the glass with a cigarette in her hand "the suspect vehicle is a blue van with a black stripe on it well that's what the cop said" Tristen spoke as he continued to drive..

About a couple of hours later Tristen drove into the parking lot behind the big stage and heard a local band play.. Singing about something..., smearing black and red face paint on and putting on a black robe with a ripped hood, ripped black pants, and a skull mask with no jaw he looks at the others dressed up in the black robes and masks on and grabbing their instruments then going to the big stage..

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