(Another Hogwarts AU)

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Libraries are always silent, the only thing you might here would most likely be the sounds of quills writing on parchments, book pages turning, some hissing of students who can't understand what's in the book, and a loud chatter between a Ravenclaw and Gryffindor as the former tries to push the latter towards another busy Ravenclaw—

Wait what.

“Yabuki Nako, I swear with my patronus I'll Leviosa you towards Wonyoung myself if you don't use that one hell of a feet of yours.”

“Hii-chan, I can't even talk to her at hallways what made you think I can talk to her in a library.”

“My conscience, now go.”

With one last strong force, the Ravenclaw successfully pushed the tiny Gryffindor towards the subject of their conversation. In a tumbling mess that is, she may or may not hit two tables and a chair before reaching her destination.

“Eh, Nako-chan?”

The girl named Nako, which was also the tiny Gryffindor, smiled sheepishly. Behind her, the Ravenclaw can be seen contemplating whether to yeet her friend out of the embarrassment she herself had literally pushed her into and exit the library or just let her and wait for the ground to swallow them both. 

“U-uh, c-can I sit here? H-Hitomi refuses to sit with me... w-with v-various reasons she a-also refused to admit.”

Thank God Merlin, she still remembers the line Hitomi made her memorized.


Before sitting, she beams a dimples smile, still awkward though, and a bow. “Thank you.” Nako mumbles. Did Wonyoung heard it? Well, no one knows, maybe the wind did.

The Ravenclaw called 'Hii-chan' on the other hand is now sighing out of relief, at long last, after the hundredth and seventy fourth try, she had managed to convince her friend to sit with her crush. (maybe not convinced and forced instead, but we don't talk about that)

Now, time for her to enjoy her own library time. They're fortunate enough the Hufflepuff Librarian is a deaf and doesn't seem to realized the chaos she and Nako ensued.


“What brings you here today, Nako-chan? You have homework?” asked Wonyoung the Ravenclaw, peering over her book to looked at the now composed Gryffindor.

“Oh yeah, potions essay, 7 inches, regarding the importance of dragon scales and eye of newts to dark potions.” Nako exhales loudly, suddenly remembering that she had actual homework to do.

Yet, in a way, she doesn't feel burdened as much as before. Most likely because of the smile the ethereal beauty in front of her is serving— a smile that makes her wonder if the sun itself have been bewitched by Wonyoung's beauty and had blessed the girl with its brightness as a way of courting.

Not to mention her dark hair also shines so beautiful.

With her petite hands, she takes one of the books in the pile beside her, taking the research done by Dangre Longbottom and skimming through it's pages.  Suddenly having an energy to do her bloody homework.

Maybe she's a plant. Taking energy from the sun's brightness in front of her.

“Must be hard finding adequate resources, right unnie?” said Wonyoung once again, now writing on her parchment as she spare some glances towards the busy Nako.

“Absolutely,” answers Nako with a firm nod, her quill halting constantly so she can check if she's still writing the right thing instead of 'Wonyoung is beautiful'. “How 'bout you? What's your essay about?”

“Potions as well, this time about elixir.” Wonyoung scrunches her nose, and Nako almost squeals. “Horrible stuff.”

“I don't think a healing potion such as an elixir is a horrible stuff.” comments Nako, lips upturning to a smile. “Although, I admit Potions can be a horrifying nightmare sometimes.”

Wonyoung only hums her agreement, nodding as well.

This is most likely the longest conversation they had, and Nako is very happy about it.

“And by the way Wonyoung-ah,” Nako suddenly says, ignoring her heart pathetically beating fast against her chest.


she says all in one breath, immediately busying herself with her essay as she tries to calm herself.

That is most likely the most random thing she had said on all of her and Wonyoung's conversation. But it's a fact. An utmost fact uttered genuinely from the deepest bottom of her heart.

A nudge on her feet breaks her thoughts— and she is all too familiar with that sentiment, a silent plea to raise her head. And so she does... only to be met by Wonyoung's melting gaze and soft smile– a smile that is a huge health hazard against her heart.

“Thank you unnie, I thought you didn't notice.” a chuckle followed immediately, and Nako can't help but to smile as well, despite knowing how her ears must be so red.


This chapter have been made solely for the sake of using the word 'yeet' :)

And also, I just published my supposed ssambbang book, do check it out.

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