Chapter 1

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•hi, this is my first fanfic or anything like this at all, honestly, but I hope you guys like it xx•

My senior year of high school.

I've made it through three years of this place already, and thankfully it's my last one ever.

I mean, I guess it wasn't that bad, those years could've been worse. It could've been like those movies where the girl sits in the bathroom to eat her lunch because she has absolutely no friends at all. But in a way, I suppose, I was that girl.

I never really had a lot of friends and the people at school didn't really acknowledge that I was even there.

It's not like I really mind all that much, it just bothers me how there are so many people that are just there. Like me, I'm 17 years old and I've got my entire life ahead of me, yet I'm stuck here with all these insignificant "popular" people who choose to pick on the "weaker of the herd," as all those boys would say.

I hated those guys.
I even began to hate "my" guy, Tommy. I say "my" guy because Tommy was typical. He was dating me but screwing all these other girls and I had to pretend that I didn't even know because he was my brothers best friend.

Tommy and my brother Charlie grew up together. After my dad died Charlie really never had a guy to look up to, so Tommy started to be that guy for him. So, even if he was cheating, I couldn't ruin their friendship because he helped my little brother when no one else could.

We've been together for almost three years, although he'd spent one of them cheating on me with some random girl he'd met at a party in 2011. He always apologized for hurting me, but he stopped after a good 6 months of constant sorry's.

"Alexandra, I'm sorry."

I hated when he used my full name. I hated when anyone used it, really.

Alexandra Lynn Jacobsen. That's 21 letters, like 5 more syllables than my nickname, Alex. Everyone always talked about how my middle name rhymed with my last and how my parents should've just named my Lynn instead because it sounds more catchy.

But I didn't even like the name Lynn, my mom & dad did.

Tommy did too, so there's another reason not to love it.

kind of rough lol, it'll get better when the story picks up more, I promise•

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2015 ⏰

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