The break up

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  Jimin rushed home with the cake box , he was smiling,today he and Jungkook had officially been a couple for two years.
He had known as soon as The group  had got together that Jungkook would be special to him, his heart had taken over his actions.At first the shy junior had rejected Jimins friendly overtures then fans started shipping members of the group one of which was Jikook, so they played along and they found they got along, then became more serious and finally moved in together at Jungkooks apartment .
  Jimin hoped Jungkook wouldn't be late home ,he had been working a lot with Tae lately on something, and he had got these two little heart cakes with the words ,
"U are my heart' on one and 'two years of bliss' on the other.
He put the cake box in the fridge humming as he turned to the cupboard to get the ingredients out when he heard the front door.
"Hey baby, your nice and early I was going to start cooking." Jimin smiled at his boyfriend .
"I'm not hungry,"
"Jimin just stop, I'm not in the mood."
"What's up Kookie, do you want me to do something for you?"
"For gods sake leave me alone your clingy nature is starting to grate on me!"
Jimin froze, Jungkook had been like this when Jimin first tried to get his attention, he'd told Jimin he hated his clingyness so Jimin had eased off, as far as he knew he hadn't done anything to warrant that rant.
"I'm sorry Kookie,I'll just go in the other room for a while," he said quietly.
"Why don't you just leave you stifle me,"
"You heard, all I've known is this group, you pushed your way into my life because of some fandom, I feel restricted, I need more."
Jimin swallowed down the hard lump in his throat.
"Y-you think it's my fault you feel like this,"
"I don't feel creative, I feel like I'm in a rut, I think this relationship is only because I didn't want to disrupt the group."
Jimin bit his tongue to hide his tears," I'm sorry,"
"Don't do the tears thing, if you think that will work your wrong!"
Jimin had never felt so heartbroken, he had been so happy earlier now he felt like someone had ripped his soul out.
Jungkook looked up sighing loudly, his whole day had felt like shit, he couldn't produce a song, his mind was on Jimin, so he concluded that if Jimin wasn't there his problem would go away.
"I'm going out," he said grabbing his keys and leaving.
Jimin slumped to the floor, all the confidence he had gained over the last two years, seeping from him. It was like a slap in the face, Jungkook felt stifled by him, he didn't like their relationship , basically Jungkooks mood was because he'd had enough of Jimin.
Jimin slowly made his way to their shared room, like someone in a trance he got a suitcase and emptied the cupboards of his clothes, he made his way round the apartment packing things of his away, calling the groups chauffeur he asked for them to help carry some things to his old place.
When the last box had been taken to the car Jimin took one look around the place that had been home for two years took the key off his key ring and left.
  "I'm telling you, I can't think of anything to write my head was just full of things Jimin does it was taking over, he's ruined my creativity with his clinginess!"
"What utter bullshit," RM said making the other stare in surprise.
"Jesus Kook I know your weird but you can't blame Jimin for this!"Tae said incredulously .
" of course I can, I told him I feel stifled, restricted, you all know we sort of fell into this relationship !"
"You bastard ! Because you've got writers block you blamed the one person who has stood by you?"
"RM," Jungkook whined.
"What, you told someone who loves you that they restrict you and stifle you? Why didn't you just punch him while you were about it?!"
"But I can't stop thinking about him, it stops me doing anything, "
"Is it me RM or does his stupid ass not know?"
"You would think he should."
"WHAT!what are you going on about?"
"When Taemin did that danciff with Jimin, what were you like?"
"Well he kept eyeing him up,"
"So you were jealous?"
"I just didn't like it,"
"When Jimin went to Paris what happened?"
"He didn't go with me...."
"You mean, clingy,stifling Jimin left you alone for a week?"
"But he didn't ask if I wanted to go he went with friends.!"
"Did you not tell him you had so much you wanted to do that it was fine him being away, and didn't he travel for hours to get here with a special present in time for your birthday?"
Jungkook looked ashamed," I know but why has he taken over my thoughts so much, I can't work, I'm getting annoyed, that's why I told him it may be better to leave."
"Please tell me you didn't say that!Poor Jimin he must be distraught!"
"Well I had to do something!"
"Why not just admit to him that you love him and always want be with him, that your jealous when he's not there, it's not him stifling you it's you feeling insecure in your relationship you want to  make Jimin yours completely."
"But he is mine!"
"So you've told him you love him ?"
"Well no but he knows."
"Does he, I see him support you and care for you in everything he does, I've heard him say he loves you."
"Jungkook when you told him years ago he was clingy you broke his heart, he stopped harassing you and then it was you who wanted him back in your life, you started to take notice of him!"
"I-I told him we only got together because of the fandom....,"
He suddenly felt a punch to his gut," Jeon fucking Jungkook, I could kill you ,God knows what state my Jiminee is in and especially today of all days!!" Tae snarled at him.
"Ouch what the fuck Tae, ok ok I'll think it over, what do you mean today if all days?"
Tae looked at RM who shook his head," it maybe too late Tae, Jimin is probably feeling like shit....Kook today is two years since you got together!"
"Oh shit! Why didn't I talk to you two first before I said shit to Jimin!!"
"Because your a selfish little bastard who thinks everything should revolve around him."
Jungkook frowned at them," I'm selfish?"
"You don't share clothes unless it's with Jimin, Jimin always cooks you food when you demand it, when you practice a routine you make sure Jimin stays behind to watch but you don't do the same for him, Jimin took the blame for breaking a mic when you did it and you let him, you told Jimin you wanted to go shopping and he ended up paying, you said you would take Jimin to a movie but you chose what you wanted to see not him.......should I go on?"
Jungkook gulped, they were right he was selfish, he'd taken Jimin for granted but accused him of being clingy when really it was the other way around!
"I need to get back" he said and left quickly.
"I'm worried Tae,Jimins quite fragile this could have a real bad effect on him."
"Whatever happens we need to be there for both of them not take sides this is going to be tough."
  Jungkook drove quickly, he was a complete idiot, the others were right he was selfish and egotistical blaming Jimin for his problems.
Going into the apartment he yelled Jimins name as he made his way to the fridge for water, seeing a box in there he opened it smiling in joy at the two cakes and the writing on them, the others were right, he'd been afraid of Jimin coping without him jealous when he was with someone else that's why his mind was full of him, maybe it was time to make things more official.
He realised Jimin hadn't answered so he called again then made his way to the bedroom shocked to see empty closet doors open, looking around he noticed the little things Jimin had placed around were also gone, he frantically looked around the apartment realising nothing of Jimin remained .
Stunned he sank on the sofa remembering his harsh words to Jimin," it would be better if you leave"
Jimin had taken him at his word and left him.

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