Chapter 3

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She'd been gone for three weeks now. There was nothing I could do but anxiously wait for shadow reports from Erebus. He was able to infiltrate the darkness of the dark palace. He was able see her, and remain unseen. I was sitting in her room, watching the flames, wishing that she would crawl out of them and declare this all some sick joke. She never did... I waited none the less.

Erebus burst in, unannounced. "Hades, it's bad." He said, "The furies rescued my sister, but one of them was captured, Sapphire's been taken to the dungeons with Philoctetes. Her family from earth was there, Eboni was making her hurt them... then Ambrose and Theodore—"

"Got them out." Ambrose cut him off as he walked in with a group of scared people. A girl with green eyes and brown hair, Emmy, a woman with brown hair and brown eyes, Lizbeth, and a man with black hair and green eyes, Fredric. Ambrose continued, "She wanted us to see everyone safe. She said not to come back."

"We must go back." Theodore argued.

"Trust Crow, she knows how to handle her shit." Ambrose snapped. This must have been hard on him. To leave her there.

"Where's my sister?" Erebus asked. His voice held desperation.

"She's right here," the purple haired Megaera said as she walked in with a legion of furies. They were carrying the female version of Erebus. He ran to her and took her in his arms. "They got Alecto." She said.

"Hades, are there healers here?" Erebus pleaded.

I nodded standing from the couch. "Lay her here," I said turning to Ambrose, "will you find Obi and Lynx please." He huffed a laugh before nodding and stomping from the room. Theodore followed him, Sapphire's family stayed in a clump by the piano. Shaking, probably scared to death. "You all should sit." I said to them, "there is a lot we need to talk about."

They only nodded and moved to sit in the chairs by Nyx. I looked back to the furies, "We didn't know the spark of flame was captive as well else we would have had a better plan." Tisiphone said with a biting tone. "We didn't know we would be interfering with her."

"I didn't know you all were interfering at all." I sneered. They'd been unresponsive as of late, save Megaera, to whom I spoke regularly with.

"We need a plan to rescue our sister." Megaera said, "Arguing won't help."

Obi and Lynx came through the door followed my my father, Ares, the ladies, and Erebus. "Where is she?" Obi asked. I pointed to the couch and he moved to kneel beside her and began hovering his glowing hands over her. "She's not injured physically, but her energies have been blocked, likely by poison and fear."

That's probably what's happening to Sapphire right now. "How long until she's better." I asked.

"There's nothing for a healer to do, she needs rest and nutrition. I'll give her regular doses of pluck and she can stay in the infirmary, but the rest is all decided upon by her will. She has to want to come back." Obi said grimly looking to Lynx, "will you help me?" Lynx only nodded as he picked Nyx up and they left.

"Where is my daughter?" Ares snapped.

"She's still there." Ambrose said, "she sacrificed her freedom for her family and her friends and so the furies could leave."

"The martyr..." Theodore mumbled. "I don't know how my brother turned so despicable... it's like he has worms in his ears..."

"Maybe he does." Father started. We all turned to look at him. Maybe he does...

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