• chapter 2 •

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     You had arrived back in Japan he previous day and were on your way to school with Kakyoin. Seems innocent enough right? In all actuality, that couldn't be further from the truth. You had only one intention; kill Jotaro Kujo, and you would find any way possible to do this. Its not an ideal intent in your mind, but then again this wasn't exactly your idea. "what's up with the painting stuff, Nori?" you finally asked when curiosity got the better of you. He gave you a mischievous side glance "don't worry (n/n), you'll find out soon enough." he chuckled. You couldn't help but smile at the redhead's antics, he always had some kind of devious plan to get you guys into trouble. 

     You stood near the stairs to the entrance with Kakyoin, who had set up his easel and started painting a rather abstract painting of Jotaro. You couldn't help but wonder why, as you know there was nothing to gain from this, however you knew he had always been one for a flare of drama now and again. As you were taking in all features of the painting, you saw Kakyoin withdraw his stand; Hierophant green. He sent it off into the bushes that led down the stairwell, leaving a thin green tether to Kakyoin in its wake. "He must be planning to ambush Jotaro" you thought "Well that's not what I had in mind but ill suppose we can try it Nori's way. He's usually right after all."

     Not realizing you had been caught in your own thoughts, you hear a loud yell and after a moment of silence squeals and laughing like a pack of hyenas closing in on their next meal. Kakyoin whispered to you "Here comes the man of the hour". Your turned your head in the direction he was looking to see none other than Jotaro Kujo, just like Kakyoin said. "You got this under control, right?" you questioned and in turn he did gave a small nod while keeping his eyes on the target. You did the same, following his eyes like a moth drawn to a lamps glow. Squabbling girls followed in suit. Whats so great about this guy anyways? Didn't he just scream about how annoying they were?

     You watched Jotaro begin to walk down the stairs until you felt a menacing aura leak from Kakyoin. You saw him wind his arm back while holding a paint brush doused in crimson paint. You watched as he smeared the paint across the canvas, the brilliant red contrasting the mundane blues and grays. As you observed the quick motion of the redhead, you hear a rather large tumble followed by ear splitting shrieks of distress. You realized Kakyoin must had used Hierophant's emerald splash to launch an emerald at Jotaro, effectively cutting his leg in a way that mirrored the painting. As you shared a glance with Kakyoin you felt a smile spread across your face knowing the first stage of your plan was successful. 

      Ghost like arms sprouted from behind him and grab ahold of tree branches that happen to be leaning into the giant's path. He was able to safely land on the ground, reasonably unscathed apart from the leaking wound on his leg. Not a moment later, his fan club rush to his aid. "Oh?" Kakyoin spoke gaining your attention, "He's able to summon a pretty strong stand". You nodded and murmured a small 'I see'. You see him wind back and launch his painting into a nearby tree which earned a confused glance from you but chose not to question because Kakyoin was a rather strange boy to begin with.

     "No wonder he wants us to get rid of him" He spoke as if he hadn't just thrown his painting across the courtyard. "But.." he began and cut himself off with a flick of his wrist still grasping the paintbrush with a bit of red paint still on the tip. In midst his small movement the painting from before burst, sending scraps of canvas flying every which way. Then he spoke again,

     "He's no match for either of our stands." he said while sending his paintbrush flying as if it were a shuriken. You couldn't help but agree "This will be a piece of cake" you added while sending him a small smile. He sent one oh his own back and leaned forward while offering his arm, "Shall we go check on dear Jotaro? That sounded like quite the fall." he said feigning innocence. You couldn't help but grin at his antics "It sure did" you agreed while accepting his extended arm, looping your arm through his own.

     Kakyoin and yourself made your way down the stairs, separating from his side while taking in the scene below. Jotaro was standing and brushing small leaves from his personalized gakuran, acting as if his leg was completely fine while his fangirls panicked and squabbled about who had the honor of taking care of his wound while making excuses for the boy as if he was embarrassed about falling, though it seemed he couldn't care less. Kakyoin went a smidge ahead of you, flamboyantly nearing while his left arm is wrapped with a long white satin scarf. He honestly looked and acted like a model. 

     "You.." he began while pulling a small while handkerchief with green frill around the edges from his left gakuren pocket, " seemed to have cut your left leg." he said while sharing a rather intense staring episode with the teen in black. "That looks like a rather nasty cut" you piped up, gaining the attention of both young men. You became a bit entranced by those cerulean eyes, thought you quickly snapped out of it knowing this guy was the enemy, and a smart one at that. You knew he could see through your feigned care as doubt circled his mind. You couldn't help but be a but intimidated by his presence, but you knew you couldn't let it show.

     Kakyoin extended his hand, offering his handkerchief to the burley teen who accepted it wordlessly. "You should use this handkerchief as an emergency binding" The amethyst eyed teen said. You had to admit, he was putting on quite the convincing show even if Jotaro could see right through it. "Are you alright?" you asked delicately, though you couldn't care less about his wellbeing. "Yeah. It's just a scratch." The burley teen answered standing up and slipping his hand into his pocket nonchalantly. Kakyoin turned around and began walking away, you mimicking his movements and following suit. Even though your backs were turned, you could feel the ravenette's glare bore holes into the back of your heads, and you knew Kakyoin could feel it  too. 

     "Hold it." Jotaro called causing Kakyoin to jerk to a halt, and you did the same. You turned about half way to look at the teen while your friend only glanced over his shoulder. "Thanks" he started, "I haven't seen you around before. Do you go to our school?" he questioned with a knowing gaze all while his fangirls were hanging off his large form.

     "I'm Kakyoin Noriaki," he introduced and guided his hand over to you "and this is (y/n) (l/n)" You gave him a small fake smile and a wave. "We just transferred here yesterday" he explained harshly. "Nice to meet you" you lied. Kakyoin turned and made his exit, while your gaze lingered a few seconds longer before following him. On your way out you heard his fan girls start chattering about the new boy before returning to praising Jotaro, though the teen in question could care less. 

     You couldn't help but think this wouldn't be as easy as you first thought as you headed towards the school.

   • Hi y'all :) just wanted to say my puppy is a little sick in case it causes problems later but if not I should be working pretty much the whole weekend since there's really nothing else to do.

anyways enjoy this new part and take care of yourselves! <3

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