Linix x Annie

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I smile from my perch at the top of her building, watching always watching, I know she is strong and can take care of herself, but I had to make sure nothing ever happened to her... It was the least I could do. Years ago, we knew each other we were much closer than any other could ever dream of being and had a plan to marry in the future but... Life had other plans.

We were teenagers she was always the perfect student, daughters, name it and she could do it, but I was a different story she was always told that our friendship would be the end of her and how bad of an influence I would become for her. But what no one ever spoke of was how she was such a good influence for me, I was failing out of school, drinking and smoking all around not caring for life and just waiting for it to be over and then like a ray of sunshine she came and pulled me out of those thoughts.

She got me to cut back on the drinking and smoking and even helped me pull my grades up, I mean I wasn't on any honor rolls, but I wouldn't fail out, and that's how it started. Now here I sit on top of her apartment building watching as she gets ready to leave for work a small sad smile graces my lips when I see she still wears my old coat, something about her still holding onto something so small that I had given her so long ago warming my heart. I left her without a word years ago thinking it would be safer for her then if I stuck around with all the trouble, I brought everywhere I went, I may of never cared if anything happened to me but so much as a scratch touched her skin and I would burn the entire town to the ground.

When we first met, I knew her as Andrew... Andrew was a 15 year old male honor student being pushed to be the greatest and brightest at everything he did but Andrew was depressed and longing to be free and he was willing to go to any extent to get that freedom. So one night while I was sitting on the edge of a bridge with a bottle in one hand and a joint in the other staring off into the distance I caught the sight of a small girl walking down the sidewalk of the other side of the bridge her flowy white skirt and ankle boots far to revealing for such cold weather, her thin cardigan doing very little to protect her skin from the chilly wind. As she got closer, I noticed her red puffy tear stained face and I got a bit worried, she must of not of noticed me as she got closer because she climbed up to the edge and just like that I was on my feet running to her before I could even think.

She closed her eyes and started to fall forward and I took a shot and jumped forward reaching for her luckily at the last moment my fingers caught hold of the back of her cardigan and I yanked with every ounce of strength in my body propelling her body backwards against me as soon as her back hit my chest I wrapped my arms around her tightly and fell back onto the concrete my eyes closed tight. There we sat on the cold concrete in the middle of the night her crying silent sobs raking through her body my arms wrapped around her tightly worried if I let up just an ounce she would be gone over the edge once again. Finally, what felt like hours of silence was broken by her soft voice "W-why... why did you save me..." and honestly I didn't have an answer for her I mean I didn't even think before running after her I just... did it? "I am not sure... but something told me that I couldn't let you fall." I told her honestly.

She lets out a broken laugh her head falling against my chest my guess she tired herself out between the cold and her tears, slipping my black leather jacket off wrapping it around her, I know it isn't the best, but it is better than nothing I suppose... "I am better off dead..." she whispers and this time it is my turn to laugh looking down at her and then back up at the star filled sky "Look kid... no matter how bad life gets look at it this way, if life wants you dead so much then it better come and get you don't do it yourself and make it easy." She looks up at me before a small smile tug on her lips "Yea... I guess your right..." As we sit there for a few more moments I feel her shift in my arms and I slowly release her keeping my eyes on her making sure she doesn't attempt to jump again when she sits in front of me, I notice something about her...She has an Adams apple... hmm so she is really a he. I don't say anything I mean hey! Who am I to judge, I reach my hand out and give her a small smile "Names Linix nice to meet cha' to bad it couldn't be on better circumstances" I chuckle, she gives me a small smile back her hand meeting mine and gives it a small shake " name is Annie" I smirk nodding along catching the little slip but once again ignoring it for her comfort and I can tell she knows that I know. "Nice to meet you Annie. Now what are you doing out here?"

From there Annie and I became very close friends and I kept her secret and let her be herself around me, while around others she was Andrew with me she will always be my dear Annie...

A few years later we were in our senior year and Annie had come out to the world and Andrew was dead, but not everyone saw it that way things were not easy at the beginning but I never left her side holding her as she cried herself asleep from the cruel words. But once she fell asleep I would do what I did best and delt with those who were cruel to her, after a while everyone knew that messing with Annie was in turn messing with me and that would more often than not end with a bloody fight. Annie would always patch me up and then give me a lecture about how violence never solved anything... Oh if only she could see me now... Once we graduated we moved into a small apartment and she worked as a vet tech as she got her degree, she always did want to help heal, I however did not have such high standards for myself and began working as a collector for a local MC.

Eventually I had made a lot of friends and got patched in as a brother and they all loved Annie, the only downside is for every friend I made I made two enemies and one day I made the wrong kind of enemy. A rival MC came for a meeting over territory at the same time Annie was there dropping off lunches for the men like she always would on Fridays, one of the men from the rival MC tried to corner her in the bar and she screamed out for me. When I came in and saw what was happening I reacted without thinking much like the night on the bridge I grabbed the man slamming him against the wall as he laughed "She is an unclaimed woman you can't blame me" All I wanted to do was beat him until there was nothing left of that smug smirk my brothers tried to pull me away but my fist connected with his face repeatedly before they could and he laid on the floor his nose clearly broken as blood flooded his face.

After that his MC put a bounty on my head and I had to make the hardest decision of my life... I had to leave... in the middle of the night as I lay next to Annie her curled up to my side her head laying on my chest as I brush her beautiful brown curls from her face the back of my fingers gently caressing her cheek as I try to memorize every small detail of her face I feel a single tear slip down my cheek, Leaning in laying a single kiss against her forehead I whisper out my last goodbye "Goodbye Annie... remember... I love you with every fiber of my being and I will love you until my last breath, maybe even still..." I slowly slip out from the bed careful not to wake her as I slip on my jeans and boots grabbing my cut and prepacked bag from the couch, I take one last look of Annie laying peacefully asleep in our bed her hair laying around her head like a beautiful halo. Turning to the door slipping out quietly I feel the tears falling down my cheeks as I make my way to my bike hopping on and hearing her roar to life as I ride away from my life from the one thing I have found in this life that I can truly love hoping that one day I will be able to return to her and hoping beyond hope that she will still love me...

That brings us to where we are today, me sitting on the roof of our old apartment building watching her get dressed and leaving for work. I have been doing this for months since I have been back to scared to approach her scared of the rejection I know I am going to receive, The only solace I find is watching her curl up in our old bed in one of my old shirts at night and wear my old leather jacket to work each morning, well... that and the fact that the months I have been watching her she has yet to go out on any dates. This all gives me a slice of hope that if I ever grew a pair and went to her that she would forgive me and take me back although I know somewhere deep in my heart that she would never forgive me for abandoning her like I did...


Thank you for reading if you made it this far!! This is unedited so don't judge to hard,  I just wanted to thank you for reading I am still trying to get back into writing after so long of a "Break" and I am pretty rusty so let me know what you think.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2021 ⏰

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