intro - this isn't the breakfast club, i promise.

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Mr. Burn's clock seemed to move slower than possible. I stared at the messy handwriting that belonged to me. Before me was an essay written to Mr. Burn's explaining why I may or may not have pulled the fire alarm on the first day of school  and what I could do to better myself. This isn't the breakfast club, I promise.

"Piper, are you done?" Mr. Burn's voice echoed through the empty detention room.

"I think so," I reply gathering my loose leaf papers.

As I get up to hand him the papers, I see that he has been playing Bejeweled on the computer the whole time. Typical teacher, what a shame I may have actually enjoyed having him as my English teacher. He gives me a sympathetic look as I hand my 1,000 word essay to him.

"Please stay out of trouble. I hope I never see you in here again. You don't want to start out the wrong way in high school, trust me." I rolled my eyes at his cheesy speech before slinging my backpack over my left shoulder. 

"See you tomorrow," I sing-song as I exit the room I bump into a guy dressed in a jeans and a black t-shirt.

"Ah, Mr. Malik, thank you for actually showing up this time," Mr. Burn comments behind us.

"I figured I'd stop by to say hello to my favorite teacher," He smirks as he walks past me. I can't help but to wonder if he is smirking at me or his own snide comeback.

I continue my journey into the hall and press my back to the wall next to a row of lockers.

"Mom?" I ask even though I already know it's her.

"Where have you been? School was let out over an hour ago! Jason is already home." I knew she was going to bring up Jason. He's always Mr. Perfect. 

"I was in detention," I sigh into the phone.

"Detention!" I swear my mom's voice goes up four octaves than before.

"Can you just come pick me up?" I sighed loudly again.

"I'll send Jason." And with that she hung up.

"You still get rides from your mom?" I jump from the sound of another voice. "Woah, sorry didn't mean to scare you."

It's the boy from detention. His sloppy dark hair is slicked back. He parts his lips to fit a cigarette in between them before lighting it.

"It's fine," I pinch the bridge of my nose to stop me from screaming at him.

"So what's your name?" He asks as he blows out a puff of smoke inches from my face.

"You know I could just pull the fire alarm again," I comment, swishing the cloud of smoke out of my face.


"Indeed," I say while crossing my arms.

He eyes me up and down and I begin to feel uncomfortable. I am hardly ever a troublemaker or I at least try not to be. He is the complete opposite. He looks like someone who enjoys skipping class to light doobies behind the bleachers. Yes, I just said doobies.

"Hmm, I like you. You should come hang out with my friends and I tomorrow morning near the oak tree."

And just like that I was invited to join a cliche bad boy group.

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