AU Explanation/Info

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Hello Readers! I'm SilverBell2005 and I came up with an Au that I really wanted to write. So my Opposite Technoblade will take the place of Canon Technoblade in the Dream SMP. Originally this started with me planning an Opposite Technoblade Cosplay. You see I wanted to create a character for the Cosplay a theme if you will and started making little Head Canons to use. An example would be Techno hates his Piglin heritage and refuses to wear lots of jewelry or gold to appease his instincts and instead wears Simple Silver Jewelry. Most the Cosplays I've seen have Techno covered in Gold jewelry and I love them but I don't have much gold jewlery cause I prefer Silver and didn't want to deal with putting everything on only to take it off in like an hour not to mention I have sensitive ears and no earrings that are hypo allergenic.

The appearance of my Opposite Techno Cosplay played a big role in creating this AU as well as what type of Tik Toks I was going to film. Not to mention I've seen other Opposite Technoblade AU's and lots of them Make Opposite Techno incapable of doing pretty much anything. That's their Version of the AU and they can write it how ever they want. I actually like seeing other people's takes on him. But I feel as though Technoblade's skill shouldn't be taken away.

Cause like imagine a sociable soft Technoblade that everyone underestimates because he rarely fights but is actually extremely powerful. In my Au Techno just keeps letting people use and hurt him till Dream Helps him to gain confidence and learn that he doesn't need the approval of others. I made the personality and views of Opposite Techno completely different from Canon Techno. I honestly love imagining Opposite Techno finally standing up for himself and showing all the others he isn't weak and useless.

Opposite Techno is also an emotional people person that loves talking. He's definitely going to be giving free therapy to characters *cough* Dream *cough* Tommy *cough* which will stop things from happening or make new things happen.

Technoblade and Dream get platonically married in this AU but not really. I can't explain more because spoilers However in a semi-sequel to part 1 I do plan to make them realize how much they truly care for peach other . I Head Canon Technoblade asexual and also don't feel comfortable writing smut so their relationship won't be all that different from a platonic friendship other than them being a bit more intimate. Like more cuddles and a more domestic feel.

I have so much more planned for this AU but I don't want to spoil the story to much. I'm only going to give a few more details about the AU that you need to know and my current plans for the series parts.

Series Plans:

Part 1: Part 1 "Memoir of a People Pleaser" will be a collection of short stories/oneshots of Opposite Technoblade's Life/Childhood before the SMP with the SBI. It will be rather angsty but it will help readers understand his character better and why he behaves how he does.

Part 2: Part 2"Crown of Silver, Not Gold" is this book. Is a Canon rewrite of the SMP with this AU starting from where Technoblade first joins the SMP. I have to rewatch the entire SMP from the beginning so This book will probably be the slowest to update.

Part 3: Part 3 will be the Semi-Sequel of "Crown of Silver, Not Gold" it will be a one shot of Dream and Techno realizing they love each other more than just platonically.

Part 4: Part 4 will be the actual Sequel of "Crown of Silver, Not Gold. It will take place a little after Part 3 and will pretty much ignore most Canon. It will be more focused on Dream and Techno's Romance and domestic life away from the rest of the sever before something forces them return.

Story Details:

• Techno is a people pleaser because of his childhood always being second choice and feared because of his Piglin heritage(Will be built on)

• Techno has blue hair because he dyed it to look less Piglin.

• Technoblade is more of a strategist then a fighter but is still as strong as Canon Technoblade it's just he's a pacifist and doesn't want people to fear him

• Techno still cares for Phill like Canon but Phill dismisses him for Wilbur instead.

•SBI is Canon in this AU

• Techno can shift into a pig/boar form.

• Dream is the only one that knows Techno can fight

• Techno focuses more on farming and building/enchanting then battle so when he's called into the first fight it's as a supplier/strategist not fighter.

• most main canon events will happen however there will be changes in methods because of Techno's pacifism

• Dream won't be abusing or isolating Tommy during exile. Instead he'll have him live where he did in Canon for a week while bullying him a bit for revenge after finding out about Techno's Childhood before bringing Tommy to his and Techno's house where Tommy will end up getting Therapy from Techno and fixing their sibling bond.

• Dream originally wanted to manipulate and use Techno but soon became attached and never does

• Dream is Techno's only friend for a long time

• Techno still hears his voices(Chat) and they still ask for blood. Techno simply learned how to make compromises with chat. Him doing something else instead of killing for chat to leave him alone.

• Before Negotiating with Chat and sometimes after he would instead dig his nails in his arms and make himself bleed instead of others. (Still does sometimes)

• Other than the blood Techno and Chat get along great and unlike other chats Techno's doesn't bully him and instead helps him with the occasional tease.

•Part 2 "Crown of Silver, Not Gold" will end around the Prison Arc

That's all I think needs to be known off the bat about this AU but if there's any other things you think need to be know comment below. The rest of this AU will be built as the story is told. I am not a Dream Apologist/Sympathiser but I like redeeming villains not to mention his character was the only on that would fit this AU as Techno's partner/friend.

I'll start updating real chapters soon sometime in October. As I said I'm going to rewatch the entire SMP so watching and then writing while using canon as a base will take awhile not to mention I have other stories I need to be working on but I really wanted to write this AU. Thank you for reading this far I hope you enjoy the story.

A/N: I'm totally fine and even encourage others to build on my AU. Whether it's fan art, fanfics with their own plots/twists, animatics, translations etc. I'm fine with it all as long as I'm credited for the original Idea. I honestly doubt this fic could ever be popular enough for any of that but still.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2022 ⏰

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Crown of Silver, Not Gold [Opposite Technoblade Au] (Dream SMP)Where stories live. Discover now