Chapter 36 - Intense Start

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On Tuesday... At Home...

Buzz Buzz

Y/N: "*Yawn*"

You look over at your phone and see a text from Mina.

(text) Mina: "Suuuup bestie!"

(text) Y/N: "Morning <3"

(text) Mina: "Luv you too, but get your butt outside. I'm waiting on you :/"

(text) Y/N: "I'll be down in a second :)"

You quickly get dressed and leave for school.

Y/N: "Hey, Mina."

Mina: "Hey, Bestie! Are you excited?! I can't wait for the Forest Lodge!!"

Y/N: "Same!"

Mina: "Come on! Let's get going before we're late!"

Y/N: "Right."

Monoma: "What?! Class A needs extra lessons?! That must mean someone got a failing mark!! And I thought Class A was supposed to be better than Class B HAAHAHAHAHAH!!"

Kendo comes up and knocks Monoma out with just the back of her hand.

Kendo: "Sorry about him!"

Iida: "Class 1-A's bus is here! Please queue in seating order!!"

Everyone got into the bus and left for the Forest Lodge. You get out and stretch a bit before overhearing something.

(Mandalay) ???: "Heeey! Eraser! It's been a while!!"

(Pixie-Bob) ???: "With sparkling eyes, we rock on!! Cute, cat, stinger!!"

(Mandalay & Pixie-Bob) ???: "The Wild, Wild, Pussycats!!"

Y/N: "U-uh..."

Mr Aizawa: "I'd like to introduce the pro heroes, the Pussycats, Mandalay and Pixie-Bob."

Deku: "One of the four hero teams that founded the union affairs office!! They specialize in mountain rescue operations and are veterans in their field!! They have 12 years of experience on them!!"

The blonde one comes up and pushes her 'paw' in Midoriya's face.

Pixie-Bob: "I'm eighteen at heart!!"

Mandalay: "This entire mountain range is more or less our domain. The place you'll be staying in is at the base of that mountain."

Ochako: "Huh? Then why did we stop here? We're only halfway there."

Sato: "Don't tell me..."

Sero: "Let's hurry back to the bus... r-right...?"

Mandalay: "It's 9:30AM right now. If you kick it into high gear, it'll be about 12."

Kiri: "Oh no..."

Mina: "L-let's go back...!"

Denki: "To the bus!! Hurry!!"

Mandalay: "The kittens that don't make it before 12:30 won't be eating."

The class quickly started moving towards the bus, but the ground beneath you moved and threw you and your classmates over the fence and off the cliff.

Mandalay: "Feel free to use your quirks as you see fit! You have three hours!! Use your feet to get to the facility."

Pixie-Bob: "Through this forest of Magic Beasts!!!!!"

Deku: "Forest of Magic Beasts...?"

Denki: "Sounds like something out of a video game..."

Y/N: "U.A is notorious for this... no use in complaining, let's get this over with."

Just as you finish your sentence, a giant earth-like beast came out of the dark forest."

Y/N: "U-uh... That's not good...!"

The beast comes barrelling towards you with the intent of attacking.

???: "Look out!"

Kirishima hardened himself with his quirk and blocked the monsters attack on you.

Kiri: "Don't worry, I won't let 'em hurt ya!"

Y/N: "Thanks, Kiri."

He gives you a bright grin.

Kiri: "No problem, baby shark."

You blush as you hear Mina squeal with joy at his nickname for you. A roar was heard deeper into the forest.

Y/T: 'Well... I guess it's time to get moving...'

You let out a heavy sigh and march forward. Seven Hours Later...

Pixie-Bob: "Finally! What took you so long?!"

Class 1-A waddled out of the forest. They were all covered in scratches and buries. Their uniforms covered in dirt and grime. Everyone panted and heaved as they finally reached the Lodge.

Pixie-Bob: "I guess there wasn't much point in threatening to deprive you of lunch."

Sero: "Three hours my ass..."

Kiri: "I'm gonna starve to death..."

Mandalay: "My bad, I meant by our standards."

Y/N: "Are you trying to boast...?"

Pixie-Bob: "Honestly, I thought you'd take longer. To have figured out my earth beasts so quickly and easily... you guys are good. Especially, you four!"

Pixie-Bob points to Midoriya, Todoroki, Bakugo, and Iida.

Pixie-Bob: "I'm anxious to see what'll become of you guys three years from now! I call dibs on them!!"

Mr Aizawa: "Mandalay, was she always so hyper?"

Mandalay: "She's in a bit of a rush, being at the marrying age and all."

Deku: "Uhm... If you don't mind me asking, who's that kid?"

Midoriya pointed to a boy with a devil horned hat.

Mandalay: "Oh, that's my nephew. Kota, come say hi! You're going to be living with them for the next week."

Midoriya walked over to Kota and offered him his hand to shake.

Deku: "Nice to meet-"

Aaaannnndddd.... He got punched straight in the... uh... unmentionables. You gasp in shock. Midoriya kneels over and Iida tries to reason with the kid.

Kota: "I'm not going to fuck around with a bunch of losers who want to grow up to be corny ass heroes."

Iida: "Fuck around?! How old are you?!"

Bakugo: "That brat's got spunk."

Shoto: "Kinda reminds me of someone I know."

Bakugo: "hAAAh?! He's nothing like me! At lease I don't keep all my emotions pent up like a certain someone!"

Mr Aizawa: "Enough. Let's get our luggage from the bus. Once you've settled into your rooms, grab some dinner in the dining hall. After that, take a bath, kick back and unwind. The real deal starts tomorrow. Get a move on it."

After everyone put their things in their rooms, the class ate together. Then, most of the class went into the separated baths. You were too tired to get in with the other girls, so you just went to bed. You were also hoping to avoid one of Mina's 'dare sessions'.

Always with a Smile (Eijiro Kirishima x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now