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"Can you do me a favor?" Rody asked me as I finished closing up the diner for the day.

"Sure! What's the favor?"

"Could you watch over Roro and Lala tonight? I have another gig." He confessed, seeming a little bashful. I deadpanned him, then started walking down the street without saying anything. Rody caught up to me, stopping me. "Please. I really need your help." He pleaded, grabbing my hands.

I sighed. "I'd love to watch Roro and Lala, but there's something more I want."


"That you stop taking those stupid gigs. One day you'll get caught on the job and may never come back home. I wouldn't want that, and I believe Roru and Lala definitely would be sad."

"Well, I have you to take care of them if that ever happens to me, right?" He said, rubbing the back of his neck.

"That's not the point Rody!" I told him. "Once you're gone, you're gone. We might not be able to get you back and the loss would always be on our consciousness. Rody," I stopped, looking him dead in the eye, "you must understand what I'm saying. These 'gigs' or whatever are dangerous and could get you in serious trouble if you aren't careful."

"Then I'll be careful. I've got to earn money somehow for my family."

"There are plenty of other jobs out there that can be sustainable for your family."

"But they don't come fast enough!"

"That's not the point-"

"THAT'S NOT THE POINT?!" He yelled, frightening me. "Y/n! You have to stop with this lecture you're giving me! I will provide for my family the way I want to!"

I stayed silent for a moment, staring at him with weary eyes. He didn't look back or even glance at me. I sighed. "Alright, fine. I guess I can't change your mind for the better. And I will take care of Roro and Lala tonight, on one condition."

He turned to me. "What?" He puffed.

"Please just reconsider what I've said. You don't have to do what I say, but just consider it tonight." I pleaded with him.

He sighed reluctantly. "Fine. I'll think about it."

"Thank you. Now let's go home so that you can say goodnight to your family."

We walked around town, passing store after store, building after building, in silence. It was the one thing I never understood about him. He just goes off on some gig, some job that comes with a handful of troubles. And he keeps with it, not even considering what the potential consequences are. Not even thinking that his siblings might be left without someone to care for them. Not to mention that I would be lost without him. Because...I love him.

He may be a delinquent in the community, he still is a very kind-hearted guy. And under that tough mask is a softy. A guy who cares for his family and his friends. He just doesn't like to face his true heart at times.

Pino perched on my shoulder, cuddling with my face apologetically. I sighed and looked at Rody who still wouldn't look at me. I looked away, petting Pino. "It's okay. I forgive you," I whispered to her. She chirped, pleased, staying on my shoulder until we arrived at Rody's small trailer home.

"I'm home!" Rody called as he opened the door. Almost immediately, Roro and Lala ran to him, jumping on him with hugs. I smiled contently as I watched them have an adorable family moment. When Rody let them go, he stood up straight and let me in. "Guys, I have a job tonight so y/n will be taking care of you while I'm gone."

They turned to me with big smiles on their faces. "Y/n!!!" They hugged me. "We always love when y/n comes over," Roro said, his face buried in my leg.

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