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6 months later

Sophie walked out of Elwins office, brushing hair out of her eyes. she thought about what keefe would think.  since the wedding, keefe had bought Sophie and himself a huge house. it had so many bathrooms and kitchens and dining rooms, but it also had a few extra bedrooms, for a few extra people. guest rooms. but what, Sophie thought, if one of those rooms became a nursery. a nursery for keefe's baby. 

Sophie pulled out her crystal for home and whispered the name of the house, Keefield. she smiled as she said it. keefe had insisted on making the house name a mixture of her and him. his solution at first was their childhood houses, Havenfield and candleshade. but keefe had too many bad memories, so they decided to keep the "field" part of Havenfield and add something of keefe's childhood. keefe's suggestions included gulons, hunkyhair, and awesomeness.  Sophie rejected all of these, but really wanted to name the house to get it over with, so when keefe suggested Keefield, Sophie said yes, though she may had been half asleep when she did.

Sophie entered the door to the house. it wasn't as big as candleshade, but big all the same. she opened her thoughts to keefe, and tracked him to the "hair den". a room keefe wanted to store all his hair products, but over time he had added fluffy couches, pillows and even the human pool table that Mr Forkle had gifted them as a wedding present, and keefe and tam were addicted to the endless battle of knocking pool balls into nets. Sophie walked in and saw that tam and Biana were in the room as well.  the two of them had only got married about a month ago, and ever since then, they had frequently come over to Sophie's house. Biana was holding a baby, about 5 months old. Biana and tam's baby. a little boy, with signature Vacker teal eyes, jet black hair like tam's and a thousand other similarities. 

Sophie walked over to keefe and gave him a kiss on the cheek, while he was intensely concentrating on the white ball. "hey babe" he said. then he tapped the ball with the pool stick, and an orange ball went in. instead of celebrating like usual, he looked up at her. "where were you Sophie, I was worried." Sophie could tell he had been. he hadn't called her Sophie since they had been married. "oh! did i forget to tell you!" Sophie felt bad that he had been worried. "I had an appointment with Elwin."  "ooohh, Sophie" Biana sighed. "what did you do this time?"  keefe and Biana were looking at her, and she tell tam was listening, even though he was concentrating on the ball.

" well keefe" she turned to look at him. "I went to Elwin today because my stomach felt really weird."  Sophie paused, thinking about how to word this.  "and um, he took some X-rays and um"  Sophie sighed. "keefe, i am pregnant with your baby girl." everyone froze and looked at keefe. "a- a baby?" 

"yes keefe, a girl."

keefe pointed to himself. "my baby?"

Sophie smiled, she could tell he was happy to be a father. "yes keefe, your baby, your going to be a father!" keefe beamed with pride. Biana squealed and ran up to her. "oh my gosh! Sophie we can be best friend mums, and, oh! you can practice with Kenric!" Biana shoved her baby into Sophie's arms. tam finally clicked the ball into the net, then patted keefe on the back." your in for  a roller coaster ride my friend" he said, then smirked at him. keefe smirked right back, and Sophie felt she had never been happier in her entire life.

soooo, i love this chapter!!!! it is probably my favourite chapter so far! i hope you guys love it to! anyway, please comment, thankyou to my 80 readers, and love you all!!!!!

- love befany

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