Part 1: a new home

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Wilbur slammed the car door as tears rolled down his face, his foster family didn't even want to say goodbye- in fact they actively refused it. "Jack..." his voice cracked as he talked, shifting to a higher pitch and he couldn't push down the small tang of gender dysphoria that came with it.

"yeah? what's up?" Jack, the foster care worker replied rather tonelessly. that was jack for you, he really didn't give a shit as long as he got paid at the end of the week.

but Wilbur didn't care about that right now, he was too distraught from the ass holes who had called him FAMILY and then kicked him out as if he were nothing "why does nobody want me...?"

Jack hesitated, he swallowed before he started the car "it's because you're trans." Wilbur looked up suddenly filled a lot more with rage then with self pity or loathing "there's nothing you can do to get around it, some people are just transphobic wankers"

The car started moving and Wilbur looked down at his bag, he reached over and pulled out his savings... it wasn't much given he was VERY bad at saving up money but it was about $200. he clutched it close to his chest "hey jack... could you take my gender at birth off my forms...?"

"i'm sorry Wilbur but I can't-" before he could continue Wilbur pushed his hand out with the money in front of jack, the man didn't even hesitate before taking the money and pocketing it "yeah I can do that for you, as long as you keep your mouth shut."

Wilbur smiled slightly still overwhelmed and crying rivers from being kicked out "thank you..."


"alright this is your new home, don't blame me when you eventually have to explain your gender at birth" Jack said stopping the car in front of a rather wealthy looking home, it was also in a very nice neighbour hood, Wilbur just hoped the inhabitants would be as kind as the house made them look.

He got out of the car, pulling his large back pack out of the car, a gift from one of his other foster homes before they had to move and couldn't afford to take him with them- well that was what they told him but he heard them talking in the kitchen about wanting a 'real' boy. that hurt.

"i've got a good feeling about this one!" he said confidently knowing Jack rolled his eyes at him without even having to look at the man "you say that every time Will."

Wilbur walked up to the house, he opened the white wooden gate surrounded by hedges that blocked anyone looking at the first story though the second. He stepped up the stone tiled path somewhat reminiscent of rocks in a river one would hope across except instead of water there was very well kept grass.

He swallowed the anxious feeling in his gut as he balled his hand in to a fist and brought it up to the door *knock knock*. there was a sound of someone rushing to get the door and some sort of bird squawking.

The door was very quickly opened by a blonde man, he wasn't necessarily short if Wilbur had to guess he'd say 5'10 maybe 5'11? he definitely looked like an adult, he was wearing a green hoodie and his hair was just long enough to be tied up into a high pony tail (though it was short) and he had a small braid just above his left ear.

"Hi i'm Wilbur... is this right house?" he shifted nervously all too aware of the way his binder stopped his breathes from getting as deep as he would like and the panic that threatened to force him to take it off.

the man smiled "yes! i'm Phil! it's nice to meet you! is your foster worker around?" he raised an eye brow but the smile didn't drop from his face, under normal circumstances being around this man would be relaxing but this time he had a secret and y'know he was never good at keeping secrets.

Wilbur nodded likely a moment too quickly "yeah he's just in the car, he doesn't tend to bother getting out when just dropping people off" this apparently earned him a concerned glance seeing as the workers were supposed to come in to at least make sure they weren't being kidnapped but nope not jack.

It was at this point Wilbur noticed a person noticeably younger then him (but not by much) standing in the hallway watching him, he had long pink hair tied up in a braid which fell behind his back. less noticeably another kid much smaller then him poking his head around the corner with short blonde hair and bright blue eyes much like the man he was greeted by 

"I'll just go have a word with him real quick then i'll come help you settle in" Phil said averting his attention back to Phil and the car as the blonde man walked towards the gate

As soon as Phil touched the gate the small blonde child came running out from behind the wall and towards him, Wilbur would guess he was about nine. "Hello! i'm Tommy! I like your guitar!"

Wilbur hadn't even realised he was carrying it, he'd just picked it up subconsciously- well its better then the alternative of leaving it in the car and jack selling it on ebay. the pink haired boy gave him some undecipherable look before turning and walking further into the house.

"uh- thank you-" before Wilbur could say anything else Tommy was already talking again "I've only seen guitars on TV before, can you play? why am I asking with that emo hair cut of course you can play!"

Wilbur heard the old car start and drive off as Phil came back through the gate "Sorry for the wait! how about I show you your room?"


exactly 1000 words! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2021 ⏰

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