Losing my Only family and meeting the man

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Walking through the bridge while carrying his brother on his back
Y/N:"Brother I promised you'll survive..."
*brother coughed blood*
"I can't survive this time brother.."
Stops in his tracks and put his brother in the ground
*smiles and coughs blood*
"Haha...look at me im heavily injured y-you *coughs* c-cant save m-me...."
*began's closing his eyes*
"Im sleepy lil bro"
Y/N:"no....NO!....*crying*...YOU WONT LEAVE ME!.....PLEASE!.....please...*sniffs* i dont want you to leave me...."
"I won't leave you...*grabs necklace on his pocket*...here*coughs*...i will g-give you this...*hands him the necklace*
The necklace to always remember i will be with y-you*coughs bloods*"
"Dont cry...*wipes his lil brother's tears*...ill promise...i will be with you...always...*coughs and smile*"
Y/N:*sniffs* Promise?
Y/N:*smiles*...thank you...big brother"
"I Love you"
His brother took his last breath.
Y/N stands up with tears and look down to his brother
"I love you too big bro"
*grabs necklace and walks away from his dead brother body*

he walked away and spotted the enforcers...he ran away as fast as he can while the enforcers chasing him
He hides on the broken wood near the dead bodies
Enforcers POV
The other enforcers:YES SIR
Enforcers are scattered
Y/N prayed to his life that he will survive
But he hears iron clanged he took a peek on the small hole in the broken wood he saw the man fought the enforcers to death he was terrified at him the man beat the enforcers to death
3rd person
The man stops fighting until he saw two Children walking hand in hand will the little girl covers her eyes with her hands with a teddy bear and the older girl guided the little girl with her, the girls was scared of the man for beating the enforcers to death the man saw this this and he knows this is wrong,he looked around dead bodies can be found everywhere his man were killed and enforcers dead bodies scattered and he spotted a woman dead body until the fog was faded the two children Saw it that there mother was killed by the enforcers,the blue haired girl hides on the back of the older girl the man saw this and he dropped the iron (boxing thingy) and he walks towards the Girls and carries them out of the bridge
Y/n saw this that the man was carrying the two children he came out of his hiding spot and the man saw him in tears the man see's it and give him the signal to come with them so the little boy saw this and come up with them the girl with purple hair (or red) saw him and the little boy nodded and she nodded as well the look at the bridge again with the enforcers looks at them knowing the war has ended the two older kids saw this and they have the hateful eyes to the enforcers

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