The fight

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The patched open and Vi climb up and helped powder to reach and followed by clogger giving the bag to Vi and mylo and Y/N followed and catch up with them...any minute 5 of them walking to the streets mylo wipes his arm and clogger puts his arms around mylo shoulder.there were two guys and the other was smoking and coughs and blew the smoke out the other man slaps the guy who smokes at the back giving the signal to Follow him. The 5 still walking straight up mylo grunts and removes clogger arms around him and clogger and Y/N chuckles.while they pass the man deckard started to talk to them

Deckard:"nice haul?"
Mylo:"You could say that."
Deckard:"I heard there was some action across the river."

Making Vi stops and Looks back at the man an followed by mylo and Y/N too..deckard flips the coin in the hands and replied

Deckard:"Someone,uh,someone really kicked the nest, huh?"
Vi:"is that so?"

Vi turns to walk but stopped because a two guys walks towards them making Y/N grunts and deckard chuckles and he stands up

Deckard:"But now you're,you're tracking this mess of yours through my streets."
Vi:"Your streets?, What makes you think—"
Clogger:"Listen, we don't want any trouble, Okay?"
1guy:Hear that,Deckard? They don't want any trouble."
Deckard:"you know, in my experience, trouble finds you."
"There's no reason this has to get ugly."
"How about you share a little taste of your treasure there- and we'll call it even?"
Mylo:"No, no, no."
Y/N:"absolutely Not"
Mylo:"We worked too hard to-"

Vi puts her both hands on mylo and Y/N to cut there conversation to Deckard and pushes them lightly and step in removing the bag in her shoulder.Vi looks up

Vi:"Just a taste?"
Deckard:"Just a-"

Vi slam the bag to deckard face making him falls the ground and Vi throws the bag on powder.mylo,Y/N,and clogger looks each other confused and brace them selves to the attack,deckard stands up mad and the other man run straight to mylo,mylo was about to throw a punch on the guy but missed and and the guy grabs my mylo and falls mylo begand defending his face but got punched,Powder was terrified clogger pushes the guy to Y/N and Y/N kicks the guy on the face and clogger grabs the other guy and slams the other guy who just standing up and slams together making them falls down Y/N and clogger kicked there stomachs,Powder steps backs and look around,deckard throw a punch on Vi but She blocked the attack and pushes deckard but deckard punch Vi on the face making Vi spits blood and saliva

(In slow motion)

Mylo was laying while the guy on his stomach try to punch mylo again put mylo was the first punched the guy on the face making the guy falls to the side mylo stands up and throw his arm to the Guys face powder was terrified what to do and just looked at them clogger Chokes the guy wuth his arms around the guys neck and was bout to kick the guy was about to jump on him but Y/N grabs the guy in the leg and slams him to the ground powder seen this chaos everyone fighting each other vi was about to punch deckard but deckard dodge and grabs Vi, mylo was grabed too and was about to be slammed on the ground clogger was holding the guy on the neck and punch him on the face and Pushes him with his arm and hearing the crack on the neck,Y/N grabs thhe 3guy leg but Y/N got kicked on the face ,clogger who pushed the guy made contact to the ground the guys groan and saw Powder sitting powder was scared and wears the bag and runs the guy stands up to catch up with her powder almost hit by mylo who was pushed and slammed on the wall in Pain Powder runs as fast as she can while the other guy chases her.Y/N saw this he stands up tackled the Guy and punched him super hard that knocked that guy out Y/N Runs after Powder to save her...Mylo was slammed on the wall but mylo was quick kid he elbowed the guy in the face and proceeded to punch him side of his face and pushed the guy on the wall and mylo punched the Guy on the stomach 2x...Vi was pushed and hit the wall hugging her stomach and coughs Deckard Upper cut Vi on the face making Vi steps back deckard was about to throw another punch on Vi but Vi was quick enough to dodge and Tackle deckard on his right side and kicked deckard on the stomach and grabs his hair and guided his head to the boxes and Vi kicked him hard making him in pain Vi spits some blood Clogger was pushed making him slammed on the wall and fall into his nees clogger grabs some dust and throw at the guys face making the guy Go blind and Clogger step up ad tackle the guy into his arms he slam the guy into the ground hearing the crack on the guys bone...Mylo was punched on the face mylo was trying to kick the guy but the guy tackled Mylo unable to stand up Vi saw this and she looks around and found a pile of wood she grabs and kick it to make it like a plank wood she runs toward to mylo who was tackled and hit the guys face making the guy grunt the guy try to look over and Vi uses her Foot to check the guy face bleeding and the guy was knocked out,clogger pushed the Other guy beside mylo,mylo stands and kicked the guy's Stomach

Mylo:"This day's Turning out all right after all."

Deckard stands and picked his knife in his pocket


The 3 stops looked at Deckard holding a knife..Vi then Went ti deckard and looks at him and bends down and looks at the knife

Vi:"wanna see how that ends?"

Deckard looks at her with angry face and Vi just stares at him waiting for him to Attack but deckard back away Vi then looks around

Vi:"Where's powder and Y/N?

Powder runs and pushes the box to block the way the man who chased her The guy's foot was hit the box and falls the guy got mad and says

Guy1:"Oh! oh! You little! AGH!"

Powder then hit the wood to break in and turn sharp right and right but was blocked and she hides the corner order not to get caught the man chased her went in and found no one he looks around and was about to Go left but powder accidentally Moved the wood and making a sound earning the man knew that she was hiding the man went to powder hiding spot and powder grab her Mouser and put some Nails inside panicking and twist its head and saids

Powder:"Mouser....i need you"

And throws on the ground rolling the guy was shocked and was about to embrace the explosion but it was just nothing he then smiles and continued walking to powder,powder was afraid then she unbuckle the bag and throws at the sea and it sink to the deep water the guy was about to grabs it but failed powder was about to run but spotted Y/N was about to kick guy and successfully kicked him and falls into the water making him wet Y/N and powder laughs and Left...

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