Chapter 1

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Everyone knows Adrian King. He belongs to one of the countries most notorious family’s, the Kings, owners of King’s Enterprises. No one directly talks about what type of business the Kings deal in but it is almost always implied that it’s not good and anyone in their right mind knows to stay away. Well, there’s always one idiot in these situations who doesn’t stay away. That idiot just so happens to be me.

It wasn’t my intention to get involved, I never planned any of it. It just sort of… happened. 

Now before I confuse you some more let me start from the beginning, where everything will slowly start to make sense.


The sounds of the old radiator buzzing and the clock on the wall ticking flowed through the diner. It was 8:30 at night and the place was completely deserted besides my coworker Julio and myself. I leaned my elbow onto the front counter and rested my chin in my hand and sighed. I didn’t hate my job, I quite enjoyed it actually, I just hated being bored, and standing here waiting for either a customer to come in or the clock to tell me it was the end of my shift was definitely what I’d describe as, boring.

I was about to ask Julio if we could close up half an hour early when the bells above the front door chimed and a gust of cold wind blew in from outside as someone walked into the diner. I looked up to the door and mentally groaned. I was not in the mood to deal this at the moment. Standing behind a counter for three plus hours had turned me into a very grumpy person.

Adrian King walked into the diner and took a seat in one of the red booths that lined the wall. Julio stuck his head out from the window that separated the kitchen from the rest of the room and gestured for me to take Adrian’s order. 

I sighed heavily and slowly picked myself up from my slouched position on the counter and started to lazily make my way to take Adrian’s order. I put on a fake grin as I reached his booth. 

“Welcome to Betty’s Diner, what can I get for you?” I said in an overly exaggerated, perky, tone. Adrian lifted his head from his phone screen and briefly glanced at me before returning to his phone. 

“I’ll get a burger and fries.” He said bluntly and I wrote down his order, clutching my pen very tightly to keep from doing something to him that I’d later regret. 

“Anything else?” I asked in a slightly less perky tone and he shook his head, not even bothering to look up this time. 

I turned around and walked back to the counter where I gave Julio Adrian’s order and returned to my slouched position. I watched Adrian from across the room. He was facing away from me but even from behind he looked good. 

Now don’t get me wrong, I despise Adrian. He’s arrogant, selfish, disrespectful and just plain bad news, but even I have to admit that he didn’t look disgusting. In fact he was quite the opposite. He had brown, soft looking hair, a very prominent jawline and sparkling blue eyes. And that body… That gorgeously chiselled body. That’s how my friends had described him anyway. I’d agree though, he was attractive. It was just too bad his personality didn’t mirror his appearance.

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