what time is it?

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It's been years since that night we've found out what he was planning. Powder was fine with it even went by a new name jinx she still let me call her powder. Today we were sent on another mission to get that monster goop that was a total fail. Powder had a melt down over some one who had pink hair. She thought it was vi which made her very upset. She when we got back I went to qn area where she made gadgets and we slept here as well. It was more work and fooling around less sleeping. I didn't have much to do so I just flopped onto our couch dust rose up as I landed on the sofa. My body felt so tired from all the fighting and running sure I could do it I just tired after a while or needed a breath and getting a breath was hard on this one. I finally relaxed my body I was able to get some shut eye for a few minutes maybe an hour? I was abruptly powder jumping right on top of me causing a rude awakening. I heaved loudly the feeling of hurling was very present.

"Hgg powder what the hell?!"

"Heheh! Sorry not sorry! I needed to wake you some how!"

She leaned back dramatically I couldn't help but chuckle at how she was acting. She has a way of acting childish but she was strong headed she finally got her little invention bombs to work which was amazing! Theres usally a balck light on which you could really see her neon drawing that she made on the walls on practically everything was littered around the room with them.

"Hey! You know~ progress day is coming up you wanna go to the festival and cause some mayhem?!"

She got off of me and crouched down next to me. Laying her head on the dusty cushion looking at me with puppy dog eyes. I couldn't help but laugh a little bit she always got her way one way or another.

"Psh sure why not you puppy"

I playfully pushed her face off the couch I sat up teetering back and forth. I emailed at her with closed eyes then leaned forward. So I was close enough to her.

"Hey are you ok? I know today's mission was giving you trouble"

"HA! Trouble push what trouble th are was no trouble at all you my friend I was completely fine!"

"I know it had something to do with vi, you don't have to say anything about it I just know you thought it was her"

"Yeahhh I guess your right it's just the DAMN PINK HAIR THREW ME OFF!"

"Hey hey it's ok I know I threw me off for a second too, oh by the way it's your turn to have the couch tonight"

I got up  fully from the couch getting up. I had my own area where I liked to be alone powder was the only one who knew where it was. Cause if she ever needed me or had a melt down she could always find me if I would be there of I wasn't with her. If I had to go somewhere I would tell her incase she needed me for what ever reason she needed me. I tired to be nice and tell her where I am to bad she never did the same for me. If she left I had to hope that she'll come back and didn't get herself in trouble. Or died due to something happening and I wouldn't know about it. Silco would come to me looking for answers and I wouldn't have them then he would get pissed cause I don't know where she is and I would get pissed. Cause I dont know where she is and didn't tell me and silco was pissed at me and I was pissed at him. I kept on walking trying to look for a window I could crawl out of. If I couldn't I would just use silco' his window was the window I would sometimes use his because it gave me easier access. I didn't want to peer in just in case he saw that I was looking into his office. So I  slowed down just a little.

"Do you need something Y/N?"

Shit I walked too slow, think think of an excuse.

"Uhhh no sorry about that I was just thinking about something is all"

"Your excuses are very short and not well put together you know that right?"

"Heh, what do you mean-?"

"Come inside my office Y/N"

I pushed the door open slighty enough  for me to walk inside of it. I walked inside I stood infornt of his desk but a little farther back.

"You know that I know you go to this area on top of the roof correct?"

"Well no I didnt know you knew till now sir"

"And, why do you go up there? Hmmm"

"Uhhh well you see I go up there because-"

"She goes there because she likes to be alone!~"

Powder came down from a ceiling beam. Landing on silco's desk. Causing papers to fly upwards then down on the floor. She plopped right down on his desk shut put one knee up. She leaned on it looking at me with a smile. I crossed my arms leaning to the side a little bit I smiled at her.

Yeah I like to be alone and so do you powder"

"JINX! JINX JINX JINX!~ it's jinx now sister~"

"Jeez sorry don't get your braids in a bunch alright"

I walked over to the big window he had in his office. I unlatched it I stepped on to the windowcill I put my other foot on to it. Silco said nothing about me climbing through his window wich was cool. I got half my body out I got a grin on gutter. I pulled myslef out of the window I tired to step on the door window thing but I lost my balance and fell. Someone grabbed my wrist just in time I thought it was powder but it was silco. I was embarrassed to say the least my face flushed red, he pulled me inside in a quick manor I ended up stumbling causing silco to also fall down I landed on his chest. I blushed an even deeper red than I have before. I quickly made my way off of him I got up and walked away my face red with embarrassment.

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