Battle of carne

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Enri stopped begging them for her own life a while ago. She begged for her sister's life instead. "She's just a little girl, don't hurt her, please don't hurt her... do whatever you want with me, just please let her live!" Enri still cried, part of her begging for her sister's forgiveness. 'I'm sorry I couldn't protect you, and I'm sorry I'm going to die, and I'm sorry I don't want to live anymore... please, if there are any gods... won't one of you just save her...'

The gods didn't answer.

The gods never did.

So Enri's tears ran down into the grass under her face while she waited for the end.

Nemu was still wailing, but she had an ugly bruise on her face from where she'd been struck, and all the fight had gone out of her.

In desperation, Enri abandoned the gods. 'If there are demon gods, demon lords, demons out of Hell, the gods won't help, the gods have abandoned me, I give myself to you, all of myself, every scrap of wretched flesh, if only one of you will come and save my precious little sister!'

The knights were laughing, she tried to mouth the words as she felt the familiar stabbing pain again, but no real sound came out of her bloody, battered lips anymore, only blood emerged to redden the grass beside the tears that salted the earth beneath her face.

But faced to the side as she was, she saw her miracle begin to manifest. 'Hooves.'

It was a stupid thought, really, just identifying what she saw two or three paces from where she lay, but the stabbing stopped, the knights were chattering in consternation, they picked up their swords and Enri heard the most wonderful sound in the world.


Fear in the voices of her oppressors.

She glanced up, following the path from hooves to head, 'A demon. A demon has answered my prayer.' Enri realized with disbelief that was rapidly becoming worship.

"I will go first, capture a few," Ulbert said, disgust washed over him, the smell of blood and fluids reeked even out in the open, his sensitive nose well put off by the scene before him, his eyes did him no favors either. That the girl on the ground was still alive was evidenced only by the hollow look in her eyes, and the way she still blinked and moved her lips.

Unable to think of what to say in a moment like this, Ulbert fell to his chuunibyou habit. He spread out his hands and said, "Evil born of righteous anger is the most powerful of all, and thanks to you, I am called unto the plane of mortals once again!" He gave a polite half-bow, sweeping one hand in front of his chest with the other arm stretched out parallel to the ground, "I, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, have come to visit evil for evil, as good is visited for good. My thanks to you, for serving my desires."

Ulbert stepping over the limp body on the grass, he swept out one hand and his claws severed a knight's body into four pieces. His armor gave way as if he were naked and boneless.

The parts slipped and fell into a pile on the ground, a firm clatter that offered not even a death scream.

The two remaining knights dropped their swords and ran.

"CZ, kill one, capture the other." Ulbert gave the order, and in one smooth motion, the battle maid raised her rifle and fired two shots, the head of the most distant knight exploded like a popped grape, the other fell clutching the stump of his leg at what used to be his knee.

She then slung her rifle, approached, kicked him in the face hard enough to render him unconscious, and then, from her dimensional space, she drew out a medical kit. She tourniqueted the injury in seconds, the blood had stained the grass a deep red, but the flow outward was reduced to a mere oozing before she was done. She secured the spindle to the leg itself, tying it tightly down, and then stood up. "One dead, one captured, My Lord."

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