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Interviewer: so Y/N Kuso what type of deck do you use and why do you want to be the protaginist of this story?
Y/N: uh sir. Not to be rude but i go by (Y/N) fermin because my father died a few years ago and my mother couldn't bear his death so she goes by her previous last name. As for my deck i use a time thief deck and a
heraldic deck i took from vetrix and this story mainly uses xyz summon and i use it a lot plus some other summoning methodes i will be using. To make it ineresting
Interviewer:  oh i'm sorry to hear.
Y/N: That's okay you didn't know. Interviewer: Okay last question are you okay with having a dark arc?
Y/N: of course what could go wrong?
Interviewer: okay you are the protagonist of this story

Two barian's one love (A Rio Kastle x Barian Male Reader OC) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now