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{LordSS updated their status; 'Who the hell was making so much noise last night? You know, those weird sounds? Like uh, 'harder', 'Daddy', etc. What was happening?'}
#PrimeSlayer; O.O

StealthNinja; Okay. Who's going to tell him?

StingerBee; I agree with Star'Scream.

Prime; Bumblebee, you are not ready to know. Though I am quite surprised that Star'Scream doesn't know.


LordSS; Um. . .from Sound'Wave's room? Why? What happened?

#PrimeSlayer; Holy moly-

SpiderQueen; As much I want to tell him, I don't think it's very informative for him.

HammerBreak; Who's going to tell him though?

LordSS; I also found this on the internet;

LordSS; I also found this on the internet;

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StingerBee; Are they dating?👀

LordSS; Well, Yes. Remember what Sound'Wave said when I banned Shock'Wave?

Prime; How long have they been dating, if I may ask?

LordSS; I dunno. But what were they even doing last night?

#PrimeSlayer; They were. . .doing things.

Prime; Yes. Things.

LordSS; What? What kind?

DoctorFinish; It was from a game! Yeah! There's a game where those strange sounds come from! It's not a killing game or a horror game, it's more of a romance game. ;;^w^;;

LordSS; Ohhhhh, Okay!

StingerBee; Okie! :D

#PrimeSlayer; Also, I remember this;

#PrimeSlayer; Also, I remember this;

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