Welcome to the Playground Part 1

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The two sisters, Vi and Powder were walking through the gruesome battlefield on the bridge, in the hopes of reuniting with their parents. Powder began to sing out loud, as a way of coping with the situation. "Dear friend across the river, My hands are cold and bare, Dear friend across the river I'll take what you can spare."

Vi continued to grab her sister's hand and pull her close. "Ask you without envy, We raise no mighty towers, Our homes are built of stone, So come across the river, And find.." Powder stopped singing when her sister stopped dead in her tracks, she looked at Vi who had a shocked expression on her face.

She looked at where Vi was staring at, and she gasped at the sight of her dead parents. Vi started crying quietly, Powder leaned her head onto Vi's shoulder, but she stopped crying when she heard some crying that didn't belong to her.

She walks into the smoke holding on to Powder's hand. She came across a young girl who was morning over the loss of her parents. The little girl stopped crying when she thought she heard somebody behind her, she looked behind herself to see Powder and Vi, and she immediately began to panic, backing away from the two sisters.

Vi let's of Powder's hand to comfort the girl in front of her, She pulled her hand out to the girl, she looked at Vi's hand still hesitant to reach out to it then the girl got spooked by someone behind Vi and Powder. Vi looks behind her to see a tall grown man, Vander

As he made his way in front of them, the girl from before noticed the metal gloves that were covered in blood, the old man started to put two and two together and he felt bad for the three girls as they've just lost their family. Vander dropped his metal gloves to the ground and engulfed Vi and Powder into a hug, the girl from earlier felt out of place and started walking away.

Vander noticed the little girl walking away, he called out for her. The girl flinched and turned around to see Vi, Powder and Vander looking at her. Powder walked away from the group to go recruit the girl who immediately finches in fear, but Powder just grabbed her hand and led her to Vi and Vander. She looked at the ground afraid of the people that stood in front of her.

Vi grabbed her hand, which led to the girl looking at her in shock, Vi gave her a saddened smile, she asked her for her name, after looking at the three people around her and after giving it some thought she replied with Y/n. Vander carried Y/n with one arm and Vi with another, Powder followed Vander to wherever he was going, it didn't matter where as long as it was far away from here.

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