Chapter one

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Novas pov

Walking into the dance studio, I did my normal routine, saying hi to Nonna, real name Carry, before going over to stretch.

"Hey Beautiful" I say with a big smile while doing the splits and twisting my waist to the left, staying there for a minute then switching the the right.

"Hey hon" looking up from the computer that plays the music, and smiling "You guys are coming to the barbeque tomorrow right?" I guess that's what my mom, Sophia and Cami were talking about this morning like little teenage girls, I giggle a little

"Of course Dad can never resist a good clubhouse barbeque"

"Right you are"

Nonna is 64 but that doesn't stop her from being the best studio owner in the state of Mississippi. I have been coming to her studio since before I could walk or talk.

My parents are long term best friends with Nonna's son and daughter in law, hint why I call her Nonna, I don't have grandparents of my own by blood, but that's what she is to me, well to all of us kids

I continue to stretch as she turns back to her computer, soon the rest of the Elite competition team start to come in, including Thea and Sabrina, my girl best friends.

Nonna always says that we remind her so much of our moms that it's scary sometimes

Nathan and I's parents, Cami and Andrew, Sofia and Stephen, Nonna's son and daughter in law, parents of Knox and Thea, and then Nina and Eric, parents of Sabrina, Ian, and Tyler, have known each other since they were in kindergarten

Everyone tells us how all of our parents were a bit of wildchilds, always getting in trouble, I guess we take after them.

Nathan, Knox, Thea, Sabrina, Ian, Tyler and I have been best friends since birth, not surprising, and we have all been known for getting in trouble ourselves.

"Hey bitch, did you hear about the clubhouse barbeque? Momma Nina is cooking" says Thea with a look of desire, just thinking about Momma Nina's cooking, while bringing her leg up past her head

"Yeah I heard our moms this morning gossiping about it" I say distracted as my brother texts me

Hopefully we will be home soon, this traitor is finally talking

I sighed and showed the girls my phone

"Knox just texted me to" announced Thea as her phone went off, "it says, Be home soon, finally got this dick talking" talking with a deep voice trying to imitate her brothers voice

"Same as mine but they both just said practically the same as yours" said Rina. Putting our phones up, we start stretching together, knowing they got it handled

They are part of an Mc, Stephen being the president and my dad being the vice president, while Knox is the Sargent at arms. Knox is 21 after all, being the first born of all of us kids. He had to take on the title of SAA when he was 15, when the past SSA died.

He has done a lot of bad things, all the guys in my life had, but I don't love them any less. I know they would never hurt me, especially Knox.

Knox. He's my soft teddy bear, well when he's talking to me or around me, I'm not trying to sound full of my self, but he just doesn't like anyone but the people in our big family, but Me and Nonna have a special part in his heart.

It's so sweet how he is with his grandmother, it makes me all tingly inside.

"I wish they would come home soon, it's been weeks" Whines Rina, who is ironically dating my brother, it's kinda weird but they are happy so I'm ok with it.

Nate, Ian, Ty, and Knox are all part of the MC, and often go away on runs, when they take guns to buyers, or when they are needed by the other charters of The Devil Riders.

The reason they have been gone for three weeks is cause of the later unfortunately. When other charters need help, it usually last for a month or two.

I miss them all so fucking much

"Ok! Everyone get in position, we have a competition in Tennessee this weekend, we have to be ready"

Time skip

"No, it doesn't, shut up bitch"

"Yes the fuck it does, I'm looking at it right now!"

Now they might sound angry but Thea and Rina are just very excited. They decided it would be a great idea to go on Amazon and look up sex toys after we left practice.

Rina rushes over to Thea, who is on my bed, and looks at the laptop, then smirks over at me while I do my homework at my desk, pretending not to see the evil demons who are trying to corrupt my virgin eyes

"It's a fucking batman dildo!!!" They both squeal at me, I role my eyes and look at them, thanking the devil for not being cruel and having my parents be at the clubhouse.

They show me it and I blush, not being able to help it, it was.....big, and thick

I wonder if that's what Knoxs looks li- bad Nova, don't think like that

I blush even harder at my thoughts while the girls continue looking at the sex toys.

Suddenly, we hear the alarms going off, someone broke in. Before we could freak out, or before I could start to breath again one of the prospect, Sam, came rushing in, making us jump up to our feet and rushing over to him thinking something happened to the boys, until we heard what he was yelling

"RUN, NOW!" before everything stopped around me, no not stop, slowed down. It was all going so slow, I could see the man coming behind Sam, but it was like I couldn't breathe, he lifted up his gun and shot Sam as he started to turn around. Hearing the sound of the gun kinda brought me back down to earth and I was suddenly hearing screaming, coming from us girls as Sam's blood splatters on us and his body's falls to the floor, and we are left watching as the man who just killed an 18 year old boy, smirk at us, and I knew in the pit of my stomach that his smirk was not good at all.

"Well well well, what do we have here brother?" Asks another creepy looking guy, coming up behind the murderer

They start talking, like fucking psychopaths, not really paying attention to us, making me believe they are either high on some kind of drug or just stupid.

I slowly take my phone out of my back pocket and hoped I was pushing the right app. Ian is like a wizard when it comes to electronics, and he made this app that all u have to do is press it and it shows up on the tv screen at the clubhouse, Everything my phone hears or sees, they can to

I hope I pressed the right one.

Now all we have to do is wait, and be annoyed by their fucking talking, they aren't in charge of this little operation, I can tell. My phone buzzed in my hand once letting me know that they are listening and on the way.

But it will be to late cause we now realized why they weren't doing anything. They were waiting, for their boss, Mason Italiono, a very crazy man.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2021 ⏰

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