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You arrive back home dissatisfied, and disappointed, the fuck how can you didn't remember to get her phone number?!

" Dumb Y/n! " you shouted to your self slapping your head

When the door opened resulting in a beat-up wakasa, his state made you alarm and head towards him

" O-Onii-san! What happened to you?! " you asked him, a worried look plastered on your face

" None of your business kid, get out of my way," he said

" No! I'll treat your wounds! " you retorted back

" Why are you so annoying?! huh?! I told you this is none of your business! Leave me alone!" He shouted back

" No! I'd be stubborn if this is the situation! So sit and I'll treat your wounds! " you didn't wait for him to answer and head towards the cabinet to get the aid kit

He just rolled his eyes and take a sit on one of the couch waiting for you, while you head in front of him, you hold his chin and pulled it up to look at you

" Man you're pretty beat up, onii-chan, please be careful next time " You said in a gentle tone

What you said made an impact in wakasa's heart, He likes the feeling but he knows that he can't be soft to you, he hated you in the first place so it's a big NO

" Yeah, I will but promise me something " he coldly said looking at you

" What is it? " you answered while you treated his wounds

" after this, promise me that from now on, you'll leave me alone, don't interfere in my own business, stop doing nice things to me, and for the last time...Stop calling me onii-chan or onii-can forget that I'm your brother, live a life without me, forget about me..and I'll do the same as well to you " he confesseseses,

and this breaks your heart into pieces, You're trying not to cry in front of him because nothing can change, it's like a hammer was hammering your chest, it hurts you a lot that your brother, you blood-related was now throwing you away

'But that's what he wishes for and that what he likes, so yeah I will '

" Y-yeah sure I promise..just promise me something too.."

" What is it? " he coldly asked

" After I do what you want....P-promise me to live a happy life, always take care of yourself, Be careful in what you were doing because I don't know what you were doing lately...t-that's all.."

At that time you were finished treating his wound, you didn't wait for him to answer and immediately took the aid kit and run upstairs to your room, you enter and lock it, you lay your body in your soft bed and cried all night

NO ONE ᴡᴀᴋᴀꜱᴀ ɪᴍᴀᴜꜱʜɪ x ɪᴍᴀᴜꜱʜɪ ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now