Pt. 1 : Seed

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Songs I recommend to listen to while reading!!
-Great Fairy Fountain, cover by Erik Correll
-Sweden, ibi
-Amaterasu, Redlands

When the inhabitants of Liyue talk about their Adepti protectors, adjectives like 'fierce', 'powerful' and 'cunning' tend to come up frequently. Yet if you truly got to know one, would you still say the same?
Probably not.

This isn't to discredit the Adeptis authority, for that would be absurd. But why don't we say things like 'loving', 'passionate' or 'gentle'? Is it because these long-living beings don't possess these qualities? Or, is it simply not shown to the average citizen? Well it's not completely unheard of, for there is and adeptibeast and funeral director sitting watching the sunset in a field of silk flowers as they slowly converse at the will of the wind. And as they look up into the blazing sky, they are negligent to the fact that they share far more in common with the surrounding flowers than they realize.

- * -
"It wasn't always this calm you know, we're lucky to be born into a time of peace"

Yanfei sat a moment longer before continuing:
"Peace doesn't mean equality though, for I still have my job".

"I think most people would consider that a plus". Hu Tao chuckled at the notion that people would avidly want to be unemployed. Being the direcor at the parlor was enough for her.

"Well yes, but I wish for a world where I'm not needed anymore. People treat each other with respect and thievery isn't at all present. Legal advisors are a thing of the past" She said finally looking over to the figure next to her, only to find her eyes shut and face held up to the fast fading sunlight.

"I'm afraid with me still here, there'll be no shortage of mischief" Reaching down to pluck a silk flower from the earth, she took a while to admire it. Without regard for Yanfeis direct attempt at eye contact, she recited a poem she and Xingqiu had been working on:

"Water and ice are akin
Though it might not seem it
There is more than there might have once been

One always somehow stuck and the other
Constantly pressing its luck
They still are the same

They are made up of the same love
The same impulse

And as they sail through
An everlasting sea of devotion..."

"Hah, still haven't finished it yet, but I'm telling you I think it's really coming along! I guess something about flowers makes me feel all poetic. Or maybe it's just you". She finally looked over to Yanfei who was slightly shocked that the conversation had turned into something artistic this fast. Although not completely in awe though, Hu Tao had always been the type to follow wherever she saw fit. So now, Yanfei would do the same.

"They, are a part of
Me and you"

The shock was mutual now, but for different reasons entirely. Yet, they still exchanged a slight blush at the sentiment of the poem. Hu Tao thought it impossible to be in love anymore than she already was, yet was just disproven by the top legal advisor in Liyue. She became more flushed than her companion, so Yanfei decided to jump at the opportunity to rub it in.

"You know these flowers remind me of you, graceful and soft, yet resilient. I do admire that about you"

The smirk was audible in her words.

"Well well well, look who's being the fancy smancy one now huh?" Before you could say 'Oh my Archon', Hu Tao had snuck a kiss on her partners forehead.

"Oh wow, aren't you a sneaky one! Let's see how you like this!" Was the response.

As the sky was painted pink, red and orange, cries of laughter and giggles could be heard echoing throughout the evening.

A love shared between silk flowers and sappy poetry,

A seed was planted.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2021 ⏰

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