The Five Stage Curse

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When they got threw the portal they were standing outside Alfia. They went into Alfia and stayed outside the medical room.

The nurse came out.

"What happened here," she said worryingly.

"These girls came to Red Fountain to help protect it from evil," Saladen said.

"I have to have them xray whats wrong, wait out here, ok" the Nurse said.


Nurse coming out of the room.

"How are they" Sky quitely wispered.

"Well, Musa, Tecna,Stella and Layla all have sprained their legs." The Nurse said camly."I'm afraid they can't walk for a couple of days.

Riven, Timmy, Brandon and Nabu gasped and she was talking.

'Also im afraid to say that all he girls have unfortunately broke couple of bones that will heel in couple of days as well, and some bruses as well," The Nurse carried on.

All the guys looked petrified.

"Also Flora has broken five ribs, a risk and a leg I'm afraid."

Helia covered his face with his hands " Oh No".

"And 1 more thing, I think their cursed." The Nurse wispered

Sky, Brandon, Riven, Timmy, Nabu and Helia gasped.

'Which curse is it?" Timmy asked.

"The five stage curse" she wispered.

"Not again!" Helia said worredly.

"The girls might not wake up until tomorrow ok," Nurse said.

"Ok" Sky said.

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