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"Are you serious?" Tsuna stares infront of Soleil Cafe and to his phone. He can already see the group inside, "...you must be kidding.." He mumble out, sighing to himself.

||F: Friday, Soleil Cafe, 4PM

Leaning to the brick wall near the cafe where he thinks he's hidden, and hid his face again. 'I'm starting to feel anxious again.' Staring at the cloudy sky, 'Should I say I can't make it?'

"What are you doing?"

"HIEEE-" He shrieks out as he hit his head to the brick wall, "ow!"

Reborn snorted.

Tsuna pouted lightly, "That surprised me.." He mumble out to himself, brushing his head. "Wait, you're.."

"Are you gonna stand there? Why don't you come in?" Reborn asked out, "It's almost 4."


"The meeting is at 4, you're gonna be late." Reborn pointed out.

Tsuna gaped, "No I mean, how'd you know-"

"You're 27 right?"


Reborn smirks, "Come on." With that Tsuna, for the second time gets dragged inside the cafe by Reborn.

"Welcome, Reborn, Tsunayoshi-kun."

Tsuna halted and nodded, finding himself being told to seat in one of the seats.

Reborn sat on one of the seats to and there was already someone else on the table, a hooded.. person. "Is he.." Reborn replies with a nod and that shut the two of them.

Tsuna can only blinks confusedly. 'D-Does that mean, that.. Reborn is-'

"Hey kora!"

"Stop being so loud."

Tsuna fiddled with his hand as anxieties starts rising up. Thankfully, he wore his mask so his face is halfly hidden.


"Looks like everyone's here." Fon replies with a soft smile. "Reborn and Mammon are already seated."

"And 27?"

"Him too."

Tsuna squeaked as he heard footsteps into his way. Glancing anxiously, he made his mind and faced the group. "Ah, uh, hello." He mumble out softly. "I'm uh, 27."

The first one to reply is the blond, "Oh! Nice to finally meet you, 27 kora! I'm C, or Colonello!" He introduces himself with a bright smile. "This is our manager, LM or Lal." He then pat a woman's shoulder who then slams her fist to Colonello's stomach.

Tsuna nodded promptly with a wince, he can somewhat recognise them from the voices.

"I'm V. Verde." The man with green hair and glasses told.

"S for Skull!" Tsuna gap from the amount of piercings he saw and just nodded.

"Mammon. M." The hooded person who's already seated announced.

"You already know me, but I'm F. Fon." Fon who had a tray full of beverages told.

"Eh?" Tsuna voiced out staring at Fon who just smiled at him.

"Reborn or R." Reborn huffs.

"N-Nice to meet you." Tsuna quickly responded, "Um, I'm 27, or well, Tsunayoshi, Tsuna." He bows his head lightly.

"Now let's seat down and talk about the collab." Everyone promptly sat down around.

"So, 27- ah, would you prefer if I continue calling you Tsunayoshi-kun?" Fon started.

"Either is alright. Just not, infront of.. classmates.." Tsuna responded back.

"Of course." Fon replies, "For Arcobaleno, I am usually in charge of the lyrics." He explains, "Do you have any idea for what kind of lyrics you would like?"

"Ah uh," Tsuna bite his lips, not knowing what kind of lyrics is good either.

"Before that, what kind of songs do you want to sing?"

"Oh! Can you rap?"

"How high can your voice reach?"

Tsuna's breath hitched from the shower of questions, "I-I'm sorry, I've never thought of what songs I want to sing nor can I rap or sing high keys..-" He rambles out, shrinking down on his seat.

"Calm down, 27 is a beginner at singing."

"Then, while we plan out the original song, how about we do duets covers? We can check on 27's talent in singing too that way." Lal adviced.

"That's a good idea! Maybe After the Rain's songs?"

"Or y'know, Honeyworks' couple songs! They're the cutest!!"

"There's also LIPxLIP's if we're talking about Honeyworks."

"What about Kairiki Bear's songs?"

"Then Kanaria's?"

"Do you have any songs you wanna sing, 27?"

Tsuna blinks, "Uh, then how about SoraMafuUraSaka's Role-Playing Game and FPS? Since it's a quartet, 3 from Arcobaleno for each and I'll sing both?" He voiced out, "We can like, change the interaction in the middle of the song or just keep it the same.. It'll be fun thinking on like our roles too!" Gasping as he rambled out, he quickly lowers, "S-Sorry I rambled."

"It's a nice idea!"

"Yeah! It's a fun song too!!"

"Be confident on yourself." Reborn placed his hand on Tsuna's head.

Tsuna's eyes widen as he nodded, "okay.. Thank you." He mumbled out with a smile.

The discussion continued on as they watch the original song. Tsuna voiced out how he plans on drawing the MV and potray it, and some other plans the dialog changes.

It became a fun hanging out session and Tsuna felt glad he agreed to it. It's a good change.


21 November 2021

(Up is RPG and below is FPS!)

*After the Rain (AtR) is Mafumafu and Soraru's unit.

*Honeyworks, Kairiki Bear, Kanaria are song producers.

*LIPxLIP is a group under Honeyworks.

*SoraMafuUraSaka is a group of 4 consisting Soraru Mafumafu Urata and Sakata.

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