Part 1 | How it all began

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Len's P.O.V

It's been 8 Years since Rin died... 8 long years. Why did she have to die? She dies because trying to protect Mom, But no use. Dad died, Mom died, And even Rin died.... Why? Now I'm all alone in this Clan. I have no friends... Well... Maybe A few Like Kaito, Meiko and Luka but... That's that...

I sighed as I sat down on the floor. I want to kill The green witch soon. She's to dangerous to life; All of a sudden, my phone rings. I fishes it out to see a text from Master Gakupo.

Gakupo: Len-Kun good news!

I raised a brow as I texted and answer, like what could it be?
Len: Just get to the point master. I don't have all day.
Gakupo: A team has just spotted a young girl that resemble the green witch!

I widen eyes and froze for a moment, She's here. The green witch is here.

Len: Where?!
Gakupo: At the north mountains, They're conducting a search on her as we speak

I bit my lip as I typed
Len: Master, let me go there!
Gakupo: I'm Sorry Len-kun. A team isn't sure a 100% it's the green witch. Be patience.
Len: But, at least just let me go there and check!
Gakupo: No means no Len-kun.
Gakupo: I'm worried about your safety and I don't want anything happening to you so you just stay here, Also, A Team will Make sure that it really is the Green witch. Then I'll let you go amd check by yourself Len-Kun.
Len: Hai, Master....
Gakupo: Now go rest, you're going to have A spar With Kaito-kun tommorow.
Len: Yes.

And I turned off my phone I sigh, Why won't master let me go and check? It's just a forest. I smirked and then stood up and wrote a letter to master, telling him I'm going to  the village near the north mountains. I coupd find a clue there, or probably even kill the green witch herself!

I smiled at my idea and grabbed my sword amd walked out.

Miku's P.O.V

"AH!!! No no no no this won't work!!!" I screamed out in frustration. As the potion exploaded, I groaned and sat back down with my hand on my face

Gumi walked into the room and tilted her head "What won't work Miku-Chan?" She asked me. I gave a frustrated groan before answering "This Potion! It keeps on exploding! I want to make a potion that can cure Neru-chan! But it won't work!" I cried out in frustration, yet again.

"Miku-chan... You do know that... Neru's Sickness is well..." Gumi started before quickly frowning "Uncurable..." She continued with a sad Tone.

I looked at Gumi before talking again "But, but, but, I don't want Neru to die like Haku-Chan! Or, or, Yuuma-san!--" Then I shut my mouth quickly, I covered it and widen my eyes as I stared at Gumi. Realizing what I said, My own eyes widen more and I gasped slightly looking at Gumi's sad eyes and I spoke slowly

"Gu-gumi... I'm sorry.. About Yuuma.. I..."

"I-it's Ok-okay Miku-chan... Just... Let me go inside..." Gumi said and walked away. "I'm in the kitchen if you need me... Okay?" She said before dissapearing to the kitchen. Shoot, I forgot she used to have a crush On yuuma! Ahh!! Why am i so stupid?

"BAKA BAKA BAKA BAKA BAKA!!" I screamed out and hit my head unwillingly. Suddenly. The spawn of Satan appear before me (Dell) "Miku. Can. You. Please. Shut. Up?!" He said with a scary tone and made me feel like I was smalled by every second.

"Ah... Uh... Dell... Sorry..." I said. Miku lesson number 1, Never make spawn of satan angry, He might kill you in your sleep.

Dell sighed and rubbed his temple "Never mind that, how's Akita doing?" He asked as he walked to Neru's bed, Ishook my head "Not good. I say she only has a week or so, Sadly.." I said, frowinh

"Oh...." Dell said and it all became awkward... Of course,I, who couldn't take the awkward silents anymore spoke "Uh... Dell, can you tell Gumi-Chan I'm going to the village?"

"Oh okay." He said calmly

Okay, And in 3 2 1...



"WHAT?!! YOU'RE GOING WHERE?!!" He screamed out, so he didn't notice what I said for the first time? Really Dell?

"The village. I'm going to buy some herbs to ease the pain." I said calmly "We almost ran out." I said, showing the hearbs in a small basket

"Are you sure?" He asked worriedly. "Usually. You have to be a company by Me or Gumi or at least someone else we know..." He continued

"Nah, I'll be fine" I said as I faked a smiled and waved my hand. "I know basic ,agic to defend my self! I'll be find!"

Oh! I forgot to tell you guys, Dell and Haku is the grey wizard & Witch. They're siblings, Neru is the Yellow witch, Yuuma was the red wizard and Gumi is the Orange witch. There's still a lot more to us but it'll take some time to tell them all and I'm rather busy at the moment, maybe next time...

"Okay. But be back before 4 Pm." He said and walked inside. I nooded as I took the small herb filled basket and walked outside. I wonder if i can find good herbs for Neru-chan. And maybe, I can even find Herbs to cure her! Something interesting must be waiting for me there...

I have to kill the Green Witch. (Miku X Len / Lenku) [Being edited]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu