
21 2 7

I frowned looking into the mirror, I could see the skin turning red, well not exactly, but it's getting so thin that I can almost see through it, what a disgusting look... I used to be attractive believe it or not, I used to get guys, girls, everyone in between. For my looks, my sweet, kind, lovable personality. What a change.

Now I am all gross, scars all over from skin that deteriorated and began to break apart, my personality has changed, hell I never used to cuss, I was a precious special little angle, my parents would fond over how I was perfect unflawed angel from god, what a joke huh... 

I used to have a boyfriend too, we were together for a while but once I started getting moody, getting ill at times, and having to see the doctors and specialists he just up and left, ejaculate and evacuate I guess. Things just got too 'real' for him. Like that excuses him from what he did.

I sigh and walk out of the bathroom after turning off the light. I couldn't look any longer. I look out my window and smile softly. I don't go out much anymore. Not after I began needing stitches, more and more, then people started to look at me funny, they would hide their children, I could hear them say 'don't look at him' Or the kids would ask why I looked funny, or if I was wearing a costume.

I guess I began to stop going outside, when I did, I made sure to completely cover myself. Elijah never looked at me like that though, he watched me, did his little experiments and whatever, but when he looked at me, or touched my scars, his expression never changed, if anything his eyes would maybe soften, or he would smile at me, he didn't look at me any different when my scars were shown, it was really sweet...

I mean since I don't have my family, I am basically dying alone, so Elijah is the only one I can lean on, well I guess except for my best friend Lily, but every time she is with me for too long she gets upset that I am dying, and she can't stop it. I know it's hard on her, I am just happy she is staying beside me, even if she knows I won't be here for long. At least she doesn't look at me with any disgust, just sadness, and it sucks, but I understand it, and it's better seeing that, than being all alone.

Plus most the time she tries to cheer us both up, so that we can get our minds off it and I thank her for that. 

Today though, Elijah finally agreed to 'go out with me' as I like to call it a date, but he calls it a 'friendly get together' or whatever he calls it. It's a date. Damn I shouldn't say that he has a wife...

Wait. Nope all my care has gone out the window, I'm dying. If I'm going to die I will die happy.

I walk out locking my apartment and going out, he said he made reservations at this fancy place so that I could be comfortable, and we would be left alone, it was really sweet. He might as well just be my boyfriend now hehe.


I walk in and the girl smiles

"Reservation or table?"

"Reservation under Reid."

She nods and looks smiling and nodding

"Right this way."

She leads my through another set of doors with private rooms, he wasn't kidding when he said it was fancy. She lets me in, and I thank her before going in and closing the door. 

I see him look up and he smiles

"I'm glad you came."

"Well duh I came, I have been the one pestering you about going somewhere, I just quit asking eventually because you always said no, plus I get free food from a hotty? Say less." I said laughing and he grinned

"I thought you may not come because it's a bit unprofessional to go to dinner with your doctor" He says, and I snicker taking off my mask and hat. 

"Please, I hit on you half the time, I'm surprised you even invited me out." I said, taking off my jacket, sitting down into the booth

"Get whatever you like." He says, so I nod and look at the menu, choosing something and putting the menu down as he put my order in this fancy tablet.

"Why did you invite me anyway? Not that I am complaining... Just you never asked until now." I asked as he finished messing with the tablet.

"Well I thought you needed to get out, as far as you have told me you don't get out much unless it's on your patio, or you're coming to the lab. I mean I am sure talking about your disease all the time every time is surely no good for your mental health, plus you need to get out more. It's healthy for you." He says, and I nodded slowly, I looked at his ring on his finger. I wonder who the lucky woman is? If she isn't thankful, by god the last thing I will do in this life is fuck her man-

Ok ok maybe a little dramatic but still, he is such a good man, if you don't treasure him then you don't deserve him.

"What are you staring at?" He asked and I looked up to him 

I hesitated. I never really wanted to ask, or more over I never really had an opening to anyway, but I might as well ask now.

"Uh... Your ring, I was just wondering who your wife was" I said, and he scrunched his eyebrows before looking at his ring. He stared at it for a moment. Beginning to fiddle with it.

"She isn't my wife. Not anymore."

I looked at him confused 

"Why not?"

"We divorced 2 years ago." He said taking off the ring, examining it a little, looking at me, before placing it on the table.

"Then... Why do you wear the ring? I mean I don't want to intrude I just feel like that's a weird thing to do if you are divorced" 

"I guess because she birthed my child, so I'm thankful to her but other than that I hate her."

"You have a child?!" I yelled in shock and he laughed 

"Yes, she is 3 now, actually she wants to meet you, she always asks why I'm at work, so I told her about you, and she wants to meet you" He says chuckling and I bite my lip smiling

"I would like to meet her... I mean if that's ok" 

"Sure, we can another time, or maybe I'll just bring her to work with me" He said, and I smiled nodding

"Yeah that would be nice"

A/N Meow

Word Count: 1166

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