Fury of the Sand Man

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All four of the doors opened up into a final large room. The room was large and hallow, with lamps all around it. In the very center was the priest from before.
"Alright man, we've run your little rat maze," Michael said. "Now give yourself up."
The man let out a long laugh.
"You young people are all the same. Always yelling your demands, expecting people to listen. Well, unfortunately for you, you're to late."
"You talk about all us young people being the same," Daemeon said. "You old people are always yelling the same stuff: you're to late to stop me, nothing can foil my plans, how did you even get in here, it just really gets tiring after enough time."
"Never the less," the priest said. "All of the sinners must be reckoned for the evil they spread against our great lord."
He tapped his staff on the ground. A yellow portal appeared behind him. He swept around and stepped inside.
"Hey! Get back here and fight me!" Michael yelled.
The priest turned around again to face Michael.
"Sorry, dear boy, but I have bigger fish to fry."
The portal closed just before Michael landed on top of it leaving nothing but a smoking wisp in it's place.
"Damn it," Michael said. "Where the Hell did he go?"
"Calm down," Eden said. "Just think for a second. He said that that the sinners must be reckoned for their evil. The only place close enough is the village."
"Alright then," Michael said. "Let's go then. We have to hurry, he's already got a head start on us."

The four made their way out of the cave. When they stepped out, the light was almost blinding.
"Damn. How the hell do those whack-jobs stay in that cave for so long?" Daemeon asked.
"Don't know, don't care," Michael responded. "Let's just get a move on."
The four ran at a fast jog, almost sprint across the desert. However, they only got about a mile before they were all exhausted.
"You know," Eden said. "It was probably a bad idea to run across the desert."
"Well what were we supposed to do, walk?" Michael said, "In case you forgot, people are in danger."
"No one's forgotten anything," Daemeon said. "We all know we have to hurry, but the fact of it is, we are in a desert and we can't exactly run in these conditions."
At that moment, Riley happened to look up and saw something coming towards them, fast.
"Hey guys, what the hell is that?" She said, pointing out the object.
Michael looked off and squinted to try and get a better look at it.
"It looks almost like a car," He said.
He was right. It was a large, yellow, car that was rushing towards them at high speeds, leaving a huge cloud of dust in its wake.
"What on earth is doing all the way out here?" Eden asked.
"I have no idea," Daemeon responded.
The car was now clearly within eyesight. It then became apparent that it was a taxi, as it had the sign on top of it.
"Maybe it's lost," Riley said.
The car was closing in on them fast and it wasn't slowing down.
"Think we should get out of the way?" Eden asked.
"Why?" Michael responded. "There's plenty of desert, he can go around us."
Suddenly the car seemed to speed up and as it just got close enough for all of them to start considering jumping out of it's path. The taxi took a sharp turn and proceeded to skid across the sand, stopping only about ten feet from where the kids were standing.
The whole thing was covered from top to bottom in dust. The windows were so covered they couldn't even see the driver.
The window on the drivers side rolled down.
Behind the wheel was a young guy, maybe in his early twenties, with long, dark, hair and darker colored skin. He was wearing a light colored jacket that was covered in dust. A toothpick hung out of his mouth.
"Two chicks, a scary lookin' guy with a big ass sword, and some guy with a weird mark on his arm. Yep your the people. Get in."
"What the hell are you talking about?" Michael asked.
"No time to explain, either get in or walk."
The four ran over to the car, threw open the door, and clamored in.
"Hey, hey, you with the sword, easy there. Don't go cuttin up the seats, huh?"
"Oh, crap, right," Daemeon said as he took his sword off his back.
As soon as the backdoor closed, the man slammed his foot on the gas and the car speed off, leaving a trail of dust in its wake.
"So, just who are you?" Michael asked,
"Haze, Jackson Haze, you can just call me Haze. Desert transportation services. I'll take you to and from wherever you need to go within the confines of this desert."
The cab continued to bumped and speed along across the sands.
"Okay then, so how did you know where to find us?" Daemeon asked.
"Some weirdo in a red coat just hands me some cash and he says, 'go pick up these four kids in the desert' and I says 'okay then, from where?' and he says 'just drive this way in thata way, can't miss 'em'. And I was kinda thinkin to myself, 'this is kinda odd, but hell, money is money'. So I drive out this way and what do you know, I find you four."
"Wait, did this guy have long, blonde, spiky hair?" Riley asked.
"Yeah that's the guy. You know him?"
"I mean, we met him. For about thirty seconds," Michael said.
"Yeah, bit of an odd ball if you ask me," Haze said. "Couldn't get a good read on him and I'm usually pretty good with that kind of thing."

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