Part One

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It was the middle of the night. You couldn't sleep, as you shifted around in your bed, trying to get comfy. "Man-" You sighed. You tried desperately to sleep, but it's only rarely you sleep. You stood up and decided to go to your desk and draw the night away, but soon enough, boredom came. "You Know what, I'm just going to put the TV on." You said to yourself.

Y/n's POV:
Hi, I'm Y/n and I'm just a normal person, you could say. I rarely sleep and I always draw when I'm bored. My Father died when I was just a little kid. It hurt, a lot. Drawing whenever your bored, makes it more boring when you do it all the time!

I put my head phones on and played some music. I couldn't be bothered to watch the TV, even though I just put it on.

I put on Tomorrow X Together and just listened to all their songs. Soon enough, my alarm went off. I didn't need the alarm, but I keep it just in case I do ever fall asleep. I get ready for High school, I dressed in my style of clothes, my Mother always called - Emo. I'm not Emo, I just like this way to dress. I throw on clothes and go down stairs after putting on some light eyeliner.

"HEY!!!!" My brother screamed.

My brother was only 11, so he's not really packing in the brain. Of course.

"Hello, deary. What would you like for breakfast?" My mother asked, knowing I would probably say that I'm not hungry. Which I was, it's just... Living with an ED definitely doesn't make your life easier.

No ones POV:
"I'm not hungry," You said softly to your mother. "That's alright.. Just I made your lunch. Please eat some of it, alright?" My Mom asked. You just nodded and she handed you your lunch. You put the lunch in your school bag. "Come on, Henry. We have to go!" You said nudging Henry. "I'm just go-" Henry tried to talk but his food filled mouth wouldn't let him. You were wearing something like this:

With thigh high sock things and platform shoes

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With thigh high sock things and platform shoes.
There was not dress code at your school, but you couldn't wear that hold of makeup or wear anything too revealing.

You grabbed your car keys and hopped in the car. Henry hopped in the back. You started up the car and drove off. You put on some music and heard Henry singing along to it. Soon enough you arrived at school. You hopped and and Henry did the same. You locked the car and put your Keys in your bag.

In school you said goodbye to Henry and walked to your first class. You had Geography first period, sadly. You hated geography and you had to sit through almost an hour of it.

You entered the class and sat down next to your friend, she had the same classes as you, surprisingly. You put your bag on the back of your chair and talked to Jessica, your friend. "Omg I wish first period would hurry up.." You said, sighing. "Mr. Carry hasn't even walked in yet~" Jessica teased. You both kept talking as more people arrived.

You had a major crush on a boy in your year. Rodrick Heffley. Jessica always teased you about it and almost outed you to Rodrick himself.
You're not very good with people, except Jessica so you always got her to talk to people for you. You were very grateful for having such a great friend that supports you and makes you feel welcome.

Soon after, Mr. Carry walks in and starts the lesson. You pulled out your note book and started taking notes and doodling. Jessica kept looking at your notes and every time you notice her, you slap her arm softly and giggle quietly so Mr. Carry couldn't hear you as he teaches.

After geography:
You and Jessica headed to your next period after getting drinks to stay hydrated. You had your drink in your hand whilst Jessica was putting hers in her bag.
"Hey, Jess?" You asked. "Yesss??" She looked at you. "Do you know anyone who's gonna be in our class this period because I didn't know anyone in geography." You questioned. "We'll I do know lover boy is gonna be in maths this period!" Jessica exclaimed. "Oh, stick a foot in it.." you sighed. "Why do you even like him? He's Emooo!!" She asked you whilst smiling and laughing. "Omg, don't judge me!" You exclaimed.

You guys talked and laughed, soon you arrived at the maths class. You sighed and slumped a bit. As you sat down on your assigned seat, because you can't stay still when near Jessica so you have to sit away from her.

You were waiting for Mrs. Jeltin to come in and you put your head on the desk. You felt someone's presence sit down next to you, so you pick your head up and look to the left to see...

The one and only...

Rodrick Heffley!!
What the hell! He sat next to you??!!?!  You turn around to Jessica who was a few seat behind you and she was absolutely fan girling. She had such a surprised face.

You were super flustered by the boy sat next to you. Rodrick was humming a tune and you recognised the tune and some how, you ended up humming with him. He looked at you and smirked a bit. You hadn't noticed that you were humming until the teacher walked in and you stopped humming. 'Wait was I humming along with Rodrick?' You thought to yourself. Your cheeks went more red than they previously were.

"Okay, hello everyone." Mrs. Jeltin said, joyfully.
She handed out tests to everyone and started a timer for the test. You hadn't studied for this test. No one did. It wasn't a planned test. It was just a revision test to see what you remember from last year.

You finished the test. You were wondering if you had aced it or failed. You probably aced it since you were an A student.

You sat contemplating things before leaning back on your chair.

"Miss Cooper?" Mrs. Jeltin said, catching your attention. "Huh?" You looked up at her. "Don't lean back on that chair! You could fall and crack your head open! Don't think it hasn't happened before." Mrs. Jeltin said. You shrugged and sat 'properly' You hated when teachers make up stories about people breaking all of their bones if they fall off a chair. You frowned a bit because you had a sore back and leaning like that eased the pain a bit.

The lesson ended and you notice Rodrick was looking at you as you stood up. He noticed you wincing as you picked your bag up from your chair. "Oh, Hey." You heard a voice from behind you. You turned around. It was Rodrick, they boy you loved so much. "H-Hi.." You stuttered. "Where you headed?" Rodrick asked. "I- I'm going to the lunch hall.." You blurted put. "Oh, cool. Mind if I tag along?" Rodrick looked at you. "Not- Not at all." You said quietly. Jessica ran up behind you and poked you in the ear. "Ow!" You exclaimed. Jessica laughed and so did Rodrick.

You three made your way to the lunch hall.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2021 ⏰

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