chapter 15

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okay this is the proper chapter for this Fanfiction


 The New Directions POV:

We went to the Lima Bean after practice. We saw Kurt and Blaine there again. When we entered the Lima Bean Kurt straight away went into a ball. We went and sat down. It wasn’t until Blaine came back to Kurt, he was happy. When they left the Lima Bean they were holding hands. Clearly they must be boyfriends or something.

Kurt’s POV:

On our way back to Dalton, we sang along to the radio and we held hands until we had to get out of the car but we linked hands our hands back together again. We walked back to our dorm room. When we got back I got a phone call.

“It’s my dad”

“Answer it then”

“Ok, hey dad …….. I’m good, you ……….are still eating healthy ………………. Good ………………but why? ……………. Fine if I can bring someone with me and please tell me Rachel won’t be there ……………… but it is bad enough just seeing Finn ………………I will tell you everything, when I come ………………….. I promise ……………………. Okay …………… I love you too dad ………… bye”

“How do you fancy coming home with me tomorrow?”

“Sure, it’s not like I have anything else to do”

“Good but that’s sad Blaine”

“I can’t go home much because of my dad”

“Aww Blaine”

“It’s alright, my mum is leaving him soon and everything will be the same but without him because my mum is the one who earns the money”

“Ok, well we should pack because we are staying the whole weekend”


We packed and then we got ready for the night.

The next day:

We are heading towards my place. We stop at the Lima Bean, than back on the road. After an hour we get there, we walk inside and straight away I get attacked by dad in a hug.

“Hey dad”

“Hey kiddo, and who is your friend?” my dad asked releasing me from the hug and now looking at Blaine

“This is Blaine and he is actually my boyfriend

“Hi Blaine and congratulations kiddo” Blaine looked scared when my dad hugged him but he relaxed soon after

“Now kiddo, you to tell me everything”


I told my dad about everything that has happened since I left for Dalton. We were watching TV until dad changed it to football

“What team do you go for Mr Hummel” Blaine asked

“Call me Burt, and I go for Buckeyes” I got you because I hate sport

“Kurt what’s the matter?” Blaine asked with concern

“Nothing, I just don’t like sport”

“But yet he was the kicker of the football team at McKinley”


“Yep, and because of me it was their first time winning a game”


“Ya but I am going to my room as Finn and Rachel just arrived”

Blaine got up and came with me to my room

In Kurt’s room – Blaine’s POV

I was looking around Kurt’s room, there is nothing out of place and you can clearly tell it belongs to him

“So this is Kurt Hummel’s room”

“Sure is” I keep looking around there are photos of him and the New Directions. There is a photo that catches my eye and next to it are some shoes

“What are these?”

“They are my lady gaga shoes, from the first year of the New Directions”

“Wow that must have been fun”

“Ya it was”

“Hey it is alright, how about we watch a movie”

“Okay, you pick they are under the TV”

Kurt’s POV

Blaine picked Divergent; we watched it until dinner time. Luckily it finished before dad came to tell us that it was dinner time

“Hey kiddo, dinners ready”

“Thanks dad, we’ll be down there soon”


“Are you ready for this?” Blaine asked

“Ya but it will be awkward as hell”

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