18. What Matters Is The Journey

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Idara burst through the door to the office building with a swagger in her steps the likes of Colm somehow had yet to see from her. Ulan came in right behind her, and both strutted up to the receptionist's desk like they just bought the place and had some new rules to enforce. The lady behind the desk, a new person who had not yet met them, reeled back with a shocked look on her face as the highly imposing individuals approached her.

"We're here to see Anselm," Idara said loudly, as if she would attract the attention of all the people who weren't around them. "We're here to report that the job is complete."

"Oh," the receptionist said. Her face brightened up. "Oh! You're that group, I was told about you all."

"Yes, I'm sure. And I can tell you plenty more about us later if you'd like," Idara replied with a waggle of her eyebrows. "But we really need to talk to Anselm right now."

"Oh, he isn't in at the moment."

"He's not- oh." Idara stepped back, and pulled back her swagger a little as well and cleared her throat. "Do you know when he will be in?"

"He should be back in about thirty minutes, he had to step out regarding the mines. He got word of the mage's demise before you arrived."

"Awwww," Ulan whined. "We wanted to tell him."

"Well, I'm sure you'll have plenty to fill him in on," the receptionist said with a giggle. "Please, feel free to take a seat and wait."

"Right, thanks," Idara said with a nod of her head.

Ulan took a seat on the ground next to the chairs and Idara sat down while Colm stood. Idara motioned for him to sit, but he shook his head and motioned over his body with his hands. Idara looked at him, confused, then realized and looked down to see she had gotten soot and mine dust all over the chair. She sighed, shrugged, and sat back, hoping no one would notice that she ruined one of the chairs.

The trio waited in awkward silence for their client to return with the receptionist occasionally looking their way. Ulan always noticed and made a little wave back, while Idara flipped through magazines and glanced up at Colm standing with his hands in his pockets. After about thirty minutes, Colm's head perked up and drew Idara's attention to the door as Anselm came rushing through.

"Ah, Anselm!" Idara said as she jolted up. "We just came to tell you-"

"The mage is gone, yes, excellent!" Anselm said excitedly as he rushed past. "You-" He looked their way to see them covered in filth- "Uhhh, wait here, please, I'll fetch your reward."

"Roger roger!" Ulan said.

Anselm ran off to his office and returned within minutes with a small wooden box. He ran up to Idara and opened it up, showing the paper inside. Idara took the box with caution, eyeing it carefully as if to make sure he was telling the truth.

"The box has a tab under the lid-" He pointed at a green tab- "It will tell you if something has a magical nature. It won't say what kind, but it proves the paper's nature."

"Right, thanks. I'll still be checking it with my own tools, though. If it turns out not to be what we came here for-"

"I assure you it is, you have my word as contract," Anselm said. "I really must be going; I need to get the mine operations back up!"

Anselm rushed off to get his business up and running again and left the trio in the lobby to see themselves out. The trio stood there in silence, unsure if that was the end of it, and the receptionist cleared her throat to get their attention.

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