Character Introduction

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Hi, my name is Christine Emerson and I'm dating the scarey cat of Mystery INC. I met Shaggy at sport event where I was a cheerleader and I fell in love with his dog and we got closer because of Scooby.

Also, since my boyfriend and our dog, Shaggy says that I'm also Scooby owner and that still touches my heart. Anyway, I'm the brave one out of me and my boyfriend/dog.

If they're one person who gets on my nerves, it's Daphne and Fred. Because in high school they were like the popular kids, but even though I was a cheerleader. I'm mostly hanging out with the geeks and they thought they were above everyone else. But not anymore because we work together.

We only being dating for about a year now and I couldn't be happier, I'm apart of the Mystery Incorporated and all I wear is anything in yellow because yellow is my favorite color.

Well, I got to go, the Mystery gang has a mystery to do and Daphne got captured by the Luna Ghost Well, see ya.

A/N: I'm just going to warn you that I'll be adding very mature themes in this story so if you feel a comfortable just skip ahead or you can ignore the chapter. The mature themes or in other words, Smut chapters are going to be very detailed, just a warning.

The chapters that are mature themes will have this sign •• at the title of the chapter.

Enjoy the story.

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