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"What, the hell, is that?" she asked in a tone mixed with terror and disgust.

"Um. I have no idea." he answered. "I mean it looks like a mask, not the one we ordered, but still looks like a mask."

"Well what do we do with it?" she crossed her arms.

"Use it for your Halloween costume or scare the living hell out of your parents." he chuckled.

"Haha very funny. They wouldn't survive a scare like that. Go home." she laughed sarcastically and started to shove the mask back into the box it came in. She threw the box under her bed so she wouldn't have to see its creepy glowing eyes.

"Okay okay, chill out! I was just kidding!" he laughed and left.

Boys fucking suck.

She felt a slight pain in her stomach. Hunger. One of the most annoying feelings there was.

But what if I didn't eat? Would I finally look the way I wanted? She shrugged the feeling away. But the feeling kept coming back. Just this one time and I'll look pretty. It doesn't hurt anyone, right?

She heard something from her bedroom. A screech.

What the fuck?

She quickly walked into the room, finding nothing that could've made that sound. Odd.

She walked away back to the kitchen. The sound striked again.

This time she didn't ignore it.

She walked to the kitchen drawer and took a butterknife.

The screeching became more violent and frequent.

She shut the bedroom door. Scratching. There was scratching on the bedroom door. She ran past the bedroom door and just as she passed the bedroom door she heard it break open.

She grew her speed and locked the bathroom door. She took her phone and dialed the number.

"Help me." she whispered. "Please come to my place." she continued.

"What? Why? Are you okay?" He asked worried. "I'm on my way. Hold on"

Suddenly there was banging and scratching at the door at the same time.

She was scared of what would happen if the door would break. Would she die?

"PLEASE STOP IT!" she yelled in terror of what was on the other side.

It stopped.

She thought she had ended it. Wow. Was it really that easy? Couldn't be.

"Hey? Are you okay?" She heard his voice outside the bathroom door.

"Thank god you came..." She cried.

"Open the door."


"Open the door."

She didn't want to open the door. Why should she?

"OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR!" she heard, what she thought was him, yell from outside.

Do not, open, the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2023 ⏰

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