Chapter 17

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After he closed the car door, I didn't even try to turn my head and look out the window. I didn't even know what to do. I was in the car with two people I had never seen in my life, as if James knew every person in Spain.

When I arrived at the hotel,the only thing I wanted to do was to lock myself in the room and to hope to never see his face anymore.

An anger was gripping my soul so much that for a moment I just wanted to cry. I felt worthless.I don't blame him for not wanting to tell me his story,but the gesture that he made was very terrible for me.

I was shocked.I did nothing wrong just wanted to know his story because he knew mine.I slammed the car door and entered the hotel even though people were prejudicing me by the action I did and were looking at me strangely.

I stepped inside the elevator and pressed the number of the floor that my room was.Suddenly the elevator stops and the door opens.

A handsome boy with blu eyes was standing in front of me.
Puedo etrar en el ascensor?
Excuse me?-Oh perdóneme,I thought you were...
The elevator door closed and I couldn't understand what he wanted to say.

I pressed the number 7 so he could get in the elevator.As soon as the door opened I talked.
Come get in the elevator before the door gets closed again.

He smiled at me and got in without hesitating.
Sorry for earlier,I thought you were from Barcelona so i was talking my language.

His Spanish accent was easily discernible as he spoke.
Nah don't worry it's not your fault.

None of us were talking,and i was feeling awkward.I was lost in my thoughts that I didn't realized that the elevator's door was opened.

In the moment I took the step to get out of there, the elevator started to close. He took my hand and pulled me to him.
-Be careful!

He squeezed me tightly next to him and for a moment I didn't know where i was.He was looking at me with those ocean blu eyes.

When i got myself back i recede from the shame.
Yes you're not good for sure. Huh?
Come with me i know a place where you can relax your mind.

. . .

We were on the top floor of the hotel.There was a roof top bar with a wonderful view and with dark colors like James heart.This place was perfect for him believe me.

Come here,.Let's sit.we sat at the counter and everything looked fine.People were drinking and chatting,the music was amazing and relaxing.

What do you want to drink miss?
Nothing thank you!-What about you sir?
Un tequila gracias.
Are you sure that you don't want to drink anything?
Yes I don't drink alcohol.

Okaayy then..
So what's your name? Im Beatrixa,what about you?
Beatrixa what a beautiful name...I'm Cristian.
Nice to meet you Cristian,glad to meet you Beatrixa.

So tell me why are you this stressed?
Me nah I'm not.Oh come on i can see it on your face that it's rough.Nah it's nothing wrong.
Okey than,you know that....

Here you have your drink sir.
Gracias amigo!
I was thinking about James all the time,as fast as i saw Cristian's drink I took it without telling him anything.

I drank it with a gall.I needed that so I could forget him.
Oh wow you okey Beatrixa? He was looking at me shocked and I don't blame him i got his drink without asking.
Im so sorry but i needed to. Hey waiter,please can you bring me another one.

We were chatting and i told him about my life in London and how i meet James,but I didn't tell him about our secret.

Come on now Beatrixa you need to stop drinking it's late. Late whAAAt,whOo cAres? IM GOOD HEREeee!! I was so drunk and I regret that i drink but I couldn't get James out of my head just for a second.
Beatrixa stop gente are looking at us.
Gente,who's gente,what does gente means?

People Beatrixa the people are looking at us.We need to be calm or otherwise they would get us out of here
Okeyy i will shtt but promise me that you will learn me spanish.

Okey okey i will just come here principessa,let me send you to your room. He took me in his arms and we get at the elevator.

Where is your room?
Ahh 11111...Huh what? Do you have your key?
Ooo,I forgot my key on my bag.
Where is your bag princessa? JameS cAAAr!

Wait i know my room,put me down.
He put me down and i pressed number 27.
Ohh look Cristian I found my room....

As soon as the elevator opened i saw him.
James was there waiting for me.
Here's your b...
Trixa! Who's he?

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