Chapter 1

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A/N: this is my first fan fiction so please comment and tell me anything that you think would make a better writer for you, thanks! :) and I feel I should say that I don't own percy Jackson or any of the characters except some ocs that may show up, all rights belong to the cliffhanger god, Rick Riordan. Also a warning that this is AU and will contain yaoi in the way of Perco. So anyway enjoy! :) 


Nico di Angelo stood staring up at the buildings that would now be his school, they were like nothing he'd ever attended before. He sighed and started walking towards the front office, already missing his old school silently cursing his aunt. He had spent the last two weeks before school started begging her to let him keep going to public school with Bianca but no such luck. His aunt had been dead set on him attending this school once the letter announcing the scholarship had come, she said it would help him get out of the depression he had been in since his mom died and that he could become less dependent on Bianca this way. 

Just as he finished that thought he reached the front office and the door opened and a tall, subtly muscled boy with black hair and green eyes came out almost knocking him down. The boy looked flustered and started apologising nonstop. Nico gave him a small lopsided grin and said, "Don't worry about it neither of us got hurt." 

The boy looked at him and replied, "Alright then, by the way are you new here?" 

"Am I that obvious?" Nico asked sort of embarrassed.  

"No it's just that I think I would have noticed you around before if you weren't," the boy said and put a hand behind his head. 

"Oh yeah I guess, anyway I should probably go get my schedule and things from the front office," he replied awkwardly shifting from side to side. 

"Oh sorry for interrupting you by the way my name is Percy Jackson, what about you?" Percy said sticking his hand out. 

"Nico di Angelo, nice to meet you," he said shaking Percy's hand.  

"Nice to meet you too. See you later Nico," Percy said starting to walk away. 

"Yeah definitely," Nico said turning back to the door of the front office and thinking to himself that maybe this school wouldn't be that bad if everyone was as cool as Percy. Entering the office he saw that it was decorated very professionally like one would except of a big corporation. The secretary looked up and smiled, "Would you be Nico?" 

Nico was a bit startled that she knew who he was and it must have shown because she quickly said, "Sorry about that its just we don't normally get new students here most of the kids have been attending since grade school." She looked at her computer screen and frowned a little but then recovered and said, "Especially scholarship students we currently have only one other scholarship student."  

"Oh that's cool I feel all awesome now," Nico said trying to cover up his confusion over her odd reaction to his scholarship especially since the first time she said it she stuttered.  

"Yes, anyhow here's your schedule, a map of the school, your locker number and combination, and dorm assignment, the things you sent over should already be there," she said passing him the papers along with a key. "School doesn't start until Wednesday, so the students can get used to it before starting up. That said would you like me to call up a student to show you around?" 

"Only if its no trouble," he replied. 

"Okay and it's no trouble all. I'll call up Annabeth the other scholarship student then and have her show you around," she said picking up the phone and dialing for someone then after a couple minutes hung up and said, "She'll be up in a few minutes," she gestured to a seat and said, "Wait there until she comes."  

He then went and sat in one of the chairs she had gestured to and say down to wait for her, wondering what the other scholarship student would be like. True to what the secretary, Ms. Brown according to her name placard, Annabeth arrived in about three minutes. The girl was blonde with light, curious grey eyes which brightened when she saw Nico. "So you're the new scholarship student! I'm no longer alone!" she said smiling in a kind of sarcastic way. 

Playing along Nico said, "I know I'm your savior, aren't I?" 

"Oh definitely!" She said and then got serious, "So you probably already know my name since the secretary told you, but I'm Annabeth Chase." 

"Nice to meet you and you probably already know my name too, but I'm Nico di Angelo," he said with a smile. 

"Nice to meet you too," she said smiling back. "Ready to go then?" 

"Yep," he said and followed her when she started out of the office. 

"So what do you want to see first, the dorms, the school building, or the sports and club areas?" she asked continuing to walk. 

"Um which would you recommend first?" Nico asked her, unsure of what would be better. 

She looked down at her watch and smiled, "How about the sports and club areas?" 

"Okay, but how come I feel there's an ulterior motive there?" he asked teasingly. 

She blushed, "I have no idea what you're talking about." 

"Oh come on now I'm gonna die of curiosity!" he said wanting to know more than ever now what it was. 

"Well the swim team is practicing right now," she said blushing even more. 

"Oh really so the guy you're sweet on is practicing," he said teasingly. 

It was pretty much impossible for Annabeth to get any redder now, "Maybe, but I'm not the only one!" 

"What do you mean?" he asked curiously. 

"Well the guys name is Percy Jackson and almost every girl in school liked him at one point, not that any of us ever had a chance, especially not me," she said and Nico noticed a pool only a little bit up the way now, with a lot of people getting out dripping wet. 

"What do you mean?" he asked as they reached the pool deck. Neither of them noticing that someone was walking over to them. 

"Well I say the especially not me because I'm his best friend and he's never seen me as anything else. The everybody else is because... well..." she started faltering. 

"What is it? Just tell me it can't be anything that horrible," he pushed her, needing to know what it was. 

"He came out last year," she said blushing. 

Nico blushed too, "Oh." 

Suddenly Nico felt an arm around his shoulders, "Annabeth you told him already? Don't ruin my chances yet!" Percy said making his presence known to the two. 

"What do you mean by that?" Annabeth asked. 

"Look at how cute he is," Percy said gesturing to Nico. "If you tell him I'm gay now then you might scare him away and I'll never get the chance to turn him." 

Now it was Nico's turn to blush bright red. "Look you're making him blush leave the poor boy alone," Annabeth said reaching over and replacing Percy's arm with her own. 

"What if he likes it though?" Percy said reaching for Nico again. 

"No he doesn't, right Nico?" Annabeth said smacking Percy's hand away. 

Nico, flustered, was about to reply when he got cut of by Percy saying, "Getting awfully defensive there Annabeth, do you have a crush on him or something?" Percy smirked knowing he had won when Annabeth started to open and close her mouth.  

Finally she retorted with, "Shut up and go get dressed Seaweed Brain." 

Nico snickered at their argument and Percy went to leave and get changed but looked back at the two of them and said, "Wait for me though I want to show him around too." 

"Fine," Annabeth said.

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