Ch. 1: Leaving the Heavens

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Third POV

Aion. The god of time.

As one might suspect, he has all of the time in the world. However, with Zeus's strict ass on his back, he has nothing to do with it.

Aion has been watching the different realms, worlds, universes, and his own creations- timelines, all go to ruin from his throne above. No matter what he tries, Zeus never allows him to put a hand on any of them.

"Your job is not to interact with these worlds, but to sit there, and ensure time continues to run," he always said. And, because Aion could not argue with him, he would just have to obey. Otherwise, Zeus would banish him from the heavens to go and see if Hades needed a hand down below. At least, that's what he would say. Aion didn't want to test it.

As worried about being banished to the underworld as Aion was, his need to explore was beginning to overcome his fear of the sky god.

"So, what if he tries to banish me to hang with his less-liked brother? Does he think that it will be any different? At this point, that hell can't be any worse than the one up here is starting to become!" Aion said to himself.

"Are you sure about that?" asked a beautiful voice behind him.

Aion jumped, surprised by his descendant.
"Out of nowhere, as usual. As I should expect from the goddess of mischief. What do you want, Aite?"

"You seem bothered, great, great grandfather. What is it? Wait; I know. It's Zeus, right? He won't let you travel to the mortal realms because you're 'too busy,' right?"

Aion sighed. "Right you are child."

"And? You're just going to listen to Zeus? Just because he is the sky god, doesn't mean you have to listen to him. He is just worried that you will swoon the beautiful mortals below before he can. You are Aion! The god of time! You have been around far longer than he has!"

"Yes, but I follow his rule because I-"

"Strive for order, right? But you strive to leave even more, yes?" Aite interrupted.

Aion fell silent. Then spoke. "Right you are again, child. However, I can not have Zeus banish me to Hades. I am bored here, yes, but I'm sure it is probably worse where there is no sun."

"Zeus can not banish you if he tried, and you know it. You just 'strive for order,' and therefore convinced yourself that he could."

Again, Aion was silent.

"Listen to this, grandfather Aion. I can get you to the mortal realms, easily."

"How is that?"

"Why, my brother, Hermes, of course! As long as I can convince him not to listen to father. But that should not be a problem. Hermes can be just about as mischievous as I, sometimes."

"Alright," agreed Aion. "If Hermes agrees to help me leave, send him to me."

"Yes, grandfather Aion." With that, Aite bowed, then disappeared as suddenly as she had arrived.


Months had passed; but to Aion, it was a mere blink of an eye. As always, Aion was sitting on his throne, bored from just watching the realms he sat above.

"Grandfather Aion," came a familiar energetic voice above. "I hear you need a hand on a project your working on!"

Aion looked up and saw Hermes flying toward him. "Ah, Hermes," answered Aion. "Yes, I do! Are you here to be the helping hand I need?"

"Yes! There are so many things down there that I would love for you to see and do!"

"Wonderful! What do we need to do?"

Hermes landed beside Aion, and stuck his elbow out for Aion to interlock arms with him. "Just hold on to me!"

"That is all?"

"Yes sir!"

Aion, struck with utter joy and excitement, stood from his throne, and did as Hermes instructed.

"Ready? Then hold on tight!"

Their feet rose from the tops of the clouds, then, at light speed, they descended toward Earth.

Aion could not believe what he was seeing! Past the heavens, he knew what there was, but never was he so close! The bright balls of fire were passing on every side of him, the galaxies around him seemed so tangible! The planets within his reach, and one especially was becoming very close. It was beautiful! So colorful! Green land, and blue oceans! The white clouds covering it like the beautiful toga he wore!

"First stop," Hermes began, "may be my favorite place here! The locals call it "Nihon;" but most call it Japan!"

"Japan! Sounds wonderful!" said Aion.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2021 ⏰

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