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I am standing nervously but excited at the same time hearing the classic here Comes the bride music as I see her. She's wearing a long white lace dress, it made her long purple hair stand out. They had a Bouquet of white roses, lilacs, and orchids, one of the nicest Bouquets I've ever seen in my-

"Mr. Johnson?", Mrs. K says, snapping me back into reality.

"Mr. Johnson, that's the fourth time this week I had to tell you to pay attention, If you keep spacing out like that you will fail this class." Mrs. K said with her hand on her hip clearly upset, for I have been spacing out on the regular. "Sorry Mrs. K." I said in an embarrassed tone as I put my head down knowing many kids were staring at me. Mrs. K started talking again and the class turned to face her as I felt my phone vibrate from a notification I had gotten from Her. Doing my best not to get caught I pull my phone out of my pocket and opened the Discord notification reading,

"Hey u good?" I began to type out my response making sure my phone was on silent "Yeah lots on my mind that's all"

"Want to talk about it?" I felt happy knowing that they cared enough to ask. "Thank you but it's really nothing so don't worry about it!"

"Alrighty then"

I went to youtube to play the song Beth By Kiss. The song is so nice and really is calming to me. Kiss was a band that gave me a lot of inspiration. They actually made me start my own band OH WAIT THAT REMINDS ME- Ugh not now Eli focus you need to get this done then you can talk about your band. I looked to the right of the room to see Her, She was perfect in every way. I smiled under my mask covering my face with my hand despite the fact no one could see it. I started to stim happily as my friend Nana faced me looking at me up and down as if to ask what was going on

"Yo, are you good?" Nana took off her headphones. I Nodded still smiling under my mask, Nana chuckled "Alright then"

I continued to write my draft and before I knew it class was over and we were off to 4th period. Funny enough me and my friends had an order of

where our classes were first to leave was Nana then the next hall was Jasper and the last hall was me. As we were walking to our classes I saw Her purple hair stand out, she was walking alone. I wanted to walk up to her but I saw someone walk alongside her. I could tell they were talking but I couldn't hear from all the noise. The person standing next to her had dark short hair with glasses and was wearing jeans with a white and green striped shirt, kinda pretty if you ask me. I have seen her with them a lot recently, maybe a new friend?

They have gotten so close lately, I wish that it was me. I was lost in my own thoughts that I didn't realize I was already at my stop. I sat down still thinking about purple hair and glasses girl. No matter what I was doing they were always in the back of my mind. I was basically zoning out the entire time I didn even realize the bell had rung the day was flying by faster than the flash. I quickly got all my things and walked out of class, in the hall ways people were racing to get lunch. I was standing in line as someone running full speed ran right through me making me stumble back almost falling onto the person behind me. Kids like them annoy me so much they could at least say excuse me. it only takes 2 seconds out of your day you have 86397 left to spend,calm down.

My lunch in one hand and my notebook in the other I walk to the far end of the school on a long blue bench not many ever sit on. I sit there eating my lunch thinking about Her she's always on my mind. Ever since that other person came into the picture we have no longer been talking often. Our conversations are plain, we don't talk in person, and she doesn't really acknowledge I'm there. I set my food to the side, putting my hands in my jacket pockets. I'm sitting there alone, not long ago I sat with friends. I had her but ever since they came everything is different now. Sometimes different is good but this wasn't. I was almost always sad and alone.

Hours pass like seconds and before I knew it I was back at home. I laid down on my bed with my phone. I wanted to talk to her, but I didn't have the confidence to do so. I argued with myself for a bit but then opened Discord, The screen name was Shuette. I began to type out my message. I noticed their status said "When she says she's proud of you for..."I didn't see the other part. My message wrote

"Hey can we talk?" Short and simple to start off a conversation

Shuette is typing.....

"Yeah sure what's up?" I began to type my response.

"I always see you hanging out with some person with short hair, glasses, green and white striped shirt? Sound familiar?"

Nervous, I laid there.

"Oh yeah that's just someone I know"

"Oh alright um one more thing"

I hesitated for a moment but then began to type again

"This is an awkward question but do you like them?"

It took her a second to respond.

"Yeah? Why would I hang out with them if I didn't like them"

"No I mean do you like or like like them-"

I felt weird writing that it wasn't my place to be asking personal questions about others' relationships but there was no going back now she was already typing.
"Well I love them Eli they are my girlfriend didn't I tell you?"

I sat up immediately re reading that sentence, muttering it to myself.


I said out loud hoping now one heard me. I was in pure shock, she had never told me she had a girlfriend. I was happy for her but I shed a few tears before I answered.

"Oh wow congrats dude! i'm very proud of you"

"Thanks :D"

I turned off my phone, setting it to the side. I put my blanket around myself, I looked like a turtle with only it's head out. I was really happy for her but I liked her, I really did and it kinda hurt knowing she liked someone else and that person likes her back. I felt stupid, I wanted someone to hold me tight and tell me that it's okay to feel this way but stress overpowered it. Saying that I'm being selfish. I was really extremely proud of her and I kept saying that and I still say it but this remains on my mind, what if things were different? What if this person didn't step in would we be closer? At the moment we are a broken ship with all the parts floating away in the stormy waters, the two important pieces of a puzzle no one can find. I feel like I'm falling into a bottomless pit.

I felt an overwhelming feeling of all emotions, happiness, sadness, anger, everything. I wished I had never asked her, but it wouldn't be that different. She would still have a girlfriend and I would still have no chance. I began to cry hader and before I knew it my crying put me right to sleep at only 4:37 PM. I woke up after 7 hours of sleep. It was 11:11. I glanced at my phone which had hundreds of notifications but I didn't bother to answer them. I had made a wish at exactly 11:11. It meant it was time for a new beginning, another chapter of my life. I can't be sad all the time, I'm still a kid and I have a life to live. Even with this in mind I still can't stop thinking about her.

I couldn't fall asleep after that, I was up all night staring at the ceiling. I didn't think doing that would ever get boring but surely it did. I checked the time, 11:54. This was going to be a long night. I got off my bed and walked down my letter to get to my desk. I quickly got dressed in something I would normally wear so I wouldn't have to deal with it in the morning. I sat down and tried to distract myself by playing games for another 7 hours. Before I knew it I blacked out, I woke up hours later in a cold sweat. I checked the time on my computer,"7:45?! DAMMIT IM LATE!" Quickly I got up and put a belt on, I grabbed my backpack and headed out the door completely forgetting breakfast even existed. I started running as fast as the flash hoping to get to school on time. Rushing through the gates of the school I make a dash down to my friends all the way at the other side of the school as I stop to see her. Her purple hair stood out, I saw her with her girlfriend. They both hugged each other and I shed a few tears and smiled under my mask. Yes I was upset that it wasn't me, but I was happy. Knowing she's happy makes me happy.


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