Second Chances

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"Ben, let go of me. I want them to know that I came here of my own will." Ben stopped and looked at me. He let go of my wrist slowly and stood still. We were just a few feet away from the crossing bridge. I looked around and the stars in the sky were so beautiful. The moon was full and it looked so big. I saw light coming from the trees. Those were probably the fairies getting ready for bed. The river under the crossing bridge sparkled and I saw a fish jump out. Everything outside of the castle is beautiful.

I turn around and look at the castle. Is this what people see from the outside? I can't even see my room. I've been stuck inside this giant building my entire life. I turn back around and look at Ben. "Are you ready?" I touch the hidden pocket on my dress and I can feel the sword. I nod and Ben and I begin walking towards the bridge. We get to the top of the bridge and the moonlight shines directly down onto the six of us. The four of them are on the opposite side of us and their eyes show zero emotion and they look like they've killed thousands of people.

I look over the bridge and I can see the reflection of the moon, stars, and the tree that's next to the bridge. I really have to leave all this behind tonight. If leaving means that my mother's death gets vengeance then I guess I have no choice. "I see that you've finally shown up", one of the four says. "Look, it's that boy. He was here when we killed Becky." I look at Ben and he has a straight face. He's trying to look fearless, but I can tell that he's extremely afraid.

I can tell that he's afraid that he might die here at this very bridge. "Tell me your names", I say. I look at them and they all smile. "Are you telling us what to do? Don't get ahead of yourself little girl. You've only just become queen." "Tell me your names", I repeat myself. I can see one of them pulling out a sword and I grab hold of the pocket in my dress. "The one in black is Max, the one in green is Naomi, the one in blue is Frida, and the one in red is Jannet. You need to remember that", Ben tells me. I nod and watch Max slowly put his sword back.

"This boy has a good memory, but does he remember how the death of Becky happened? Let's start from the beginning", I hear Naomi say. "You told Becky that we were waiting for her outside and you brought her to us. Then we took out our swords and so did Becky. We fought for a long time and you just stood there. You were so frightened that you couldn't move a muscle. You couldn't scream or run to go get help. Then you watched as my blade pierced her heart. You stood there in fear when you saw her breathe her final breath. Then just to be sure that she was dead we were going to burn her alive, but we couldn't do that or else we'd be caught. Instead, we tied a rock around her ankle and threw her in the river under this very bridge. That night the water was red and the land mourned her death because it began to rain and yet you still stood there. You just stood by and watched. You didn't even tell anyone that you knew. You just went on with your life. You lied to Kady! You didn't tell her how her mom died and you didn't tell the king or anyone else! You're just as much of a monster as we are!"

Was this true? Was everything they just said true? Did Ben really just stand there? Did he really keep it a secret for that long? Did he really keep a secret for three weeks before they found my mother's body? I looked at Ben and he was breathing heavily and I could see tears falling from his eyes. Was this really true? It can't be true. I know it isn't. They must be lying! "Will you let that happen to Kady too?! Are you gonna stand in place and watch as we murder her?! Are you gonna keep that a secret too", Naomi kept shouting.

I looked at Ben and his hand was shaking. Was he scared, mad, sad, angry, maybe nervous? What's wrong with him? I need Naomi to stop. "Leave Ben alone. He isn't the one you're here for." Ban looks at me and so do the other four. "Look who finally decided to speak", Jannet says. "I have decided to speak. I've also decided who dies here tonight and a little hint, it won't be me or Ben." I watch as all four of them pull out their swords and I pull out mine. "Nice hiding spot for your sword, but you probably only have one", Frida says. I smile slightly. If only they knew what other weapons I can fight with. They'll find out soon, they'll find out very soon.

"Ben, do you have a sword with you?" Ben nods and wipes his tears off his face. "Ben, this is no time to get emotional. My mom said you have to protect me, right? Now it's time that you carry out her wish. You need to have my back." Ben takes out his sword and nods, "You're right. Why was I crying like that? That's so unlike me." That's the Ben I'm used to. Ben that's always so cheerful and funny. The Ben that could die with me or maybe without me. The Ben that might witness me die. It's time to carry out my mom's wishes even if it means that I might die doing so.

I need to remember what I promised my people. I need to protect my kingdom. I will need to give birth to a child and have them carry out my duties. I must do everything that I said I would. This isn't just something that I can think about anymore. This is real. It's actually happening. I'm actually about to fight people who've murdered thousands of people, including my mom. Then Frida begins running toward me. "Kady, run", I hear Ben yell. I don't move and put my sword up and Ben does the same.

" I said run!" Frida and Ben start sword fighting and I stay put, waiting for one of them to run towards me. Max starts running and I pull out a gun from the side of my dress. Max stops once I aim the gun at him. "Ben, are you alright?!" I can't turn around to see if Ben is okay. If I do then one of them might attack me. "I'm fine!" I let out a sigh of relief and keep both my weapons up and ready. "Your cousin's going to die tonight. If you think you'll manage to kill us then you're wrong", Jannet says. I could just shoot these three and help Ben with Frida, but the gunshot would be too loud and it would attract the attention of everyone in the castle.

Jannet starts running towards me and I quickly put my sword and gun back in place. I take out my bow and arrow and quickly shoot it at Jannet's left thigh. She stops running and falls to the ground. I take out another bow, "Who's next." My mom had specially designed these bows herself long ago. They have poison inside them and once it cuts the skiing the poison releases. There is an antidote for it, but only I have the recipe for it. Plus the poison begins working in less than a minute. Jannet should be dead in fifteen minutes.

I watch as Jannet begins to feel dizzy. Max and Naomi look at me and gasp. "It's a poison", Max says. I nod and smile. I aim the bow towards Max and I can see him getting scared. Then suddenly I feel something. It feels like something just flew right through me. I put my hand over my stomach and I don't feel any blood. What was that feeling and where did it come from? Then I look back up at Max and suddenly I see myself standing next to him and a young girl in the middle of us.

The girl looks just like me, but a little different. Then I see myself in a bedroom. It isn't my room though so who's room is it? I see Max walk over to me and he kisses me. Then I see myself in another room and I'm giving birth. I can see Ben and Max there. Then I see the same little girl playing with Ben and Max while I'm cooking. Then I see myself in a bed and Max is sitting next to me. Then he stabs me and Ben walks into the room. Then I hear a voice, "Not everything that comes from bad people is bad. Some of it can be good." That was my mom's voice. Then I see Max holding me in his arms and I'm smiling as he smiles. Then it all fades away.

I take a step back, catching myself before I fall. I look at Max again and he looks terrified. I look at Naomi and she looks terrified too. I take the note that mom gave me out of my pocket. "Always respect those who deserve respect. Kill those who disrespect the ones you love. Kill those who deserve death, but remember to give some of them a second chance. In this case, the second chance is not needed, but you might find that I was wrong." This note isn't the same. It looks different and this wasn't here at first. The last line was never there, but if that's true then is mom still alive, or is this her spirit telling me something?

I look back at Frida and she's still fighting Ben. I look at Jannet and she's so close to being dead. Naomi and Max are still terrified. I look up at the moon and I see Max, Naomi, Jannet, Ben, and I sitting together. We look happy together. What am I seeing? Why am I seeing it? What's happening? I hear a faint voice, "Leave the world to form a better one or stay to watch it perish." It's my mom again. I take the antidote out of my pocket and walk towards Jannet. With most antidotes, you have to drink them, but with this one, you just need to rub it on the person's forehead.

I rub it on Jannet's forehead and smile. "She'll be fine." I turn and look at Ben. "Ben, stop!" Ben stops and keeps Frida from killing him. "The note changed! Frida, put your weapon away!" Frida slowly puts away her weapon and so does Ben. I start to run towards them and take out my sword as Frida gets ready to stab Ben. I stab her before she can kill Ben. "Not everyone deserves a second chance." 

AN- Things are getting interesting, don't you think? 

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