The Messengers

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The heart of the Titan pulsed above Emperor Belos and his throne — the thumping; it was rhythmic, a peaceful thing to hear. He wished to be alone right now, along with his thoughts and the presence of the Titan to shepherd him. Two weeks have passed since his dear nephew, Hunter, returned from his unauthorized mission to Eclipse Lake to retrieve the blood of the Titan. Though he punished the boy for defying his uncle's orders and leaving the castle, he succeeded where Kikimora and others of his coven had failed. The divine liquid was a crucial part of his one true master's plan to reach fruition, delivering them from the Wild Magic that curses these lands.

In return, the Titan will free Belos from the curse placed upon him. A curse spawned from the hubris that he could control Wild Magic. Because of his foolishness, his family paid the price, and Hunter left without a mother and father. Even now, the boy is becoming tempted by the same forbidden fruit, due in no small part to the human girl's influence. However, Belos could not admonish the child; the Owl Lady was the one who filled her head with lies. He should not have humored Lilith and her in-vain attempt to make her sister "see reason." He should have pried the door to the Human Realm from her cold, petrified hands. The emperor will not make the same mistake twice.

However, there was something Belos could not figure out. He has the key, the door, and the blood. However, the portal still refuses to open, even for a minor test. The Day of Unity is closing in on him, and he still cannot figure it out. He has done everything his master has commanded of him, but something was still missing. But what? What is the missing ingredient to opening the portal? Hence, here he sits. Waiting, listening for the Titan's voice, one command is all he required. "Tell me, my master," Belos spoke, hoping the Titan would hear him. "Tell me what I am missing? What must I do? Is this another test of my faith? Of my loyalty to you? If so, I accept the challenge. I will shoulder whatever burden you bestow upon me, as I always have. I am but your humble servant, now and until I draw my last breath."

The doors to the throne room opened with a loud cranking sound, which did not go unnoticed by the emperor. From them, Kikimora, his most loyal servant — to an irritating degree — entered and quickly closed the doors behind her. "My emperor." She promptly knelt, knowing she was not in his good graces.

"I thought I was clear that I wished not to be disturbed." The emperor's eyes glowed their eerie, menacing blue. "Especially from you, given your... recent performances."

"Forgive me, Sire." Kikimora remained on her knees as she cautiously looked up at him. "But I have urgent news."

"Come closer, then."

"Y... yes." The imp rose to her feet and walked deeper into the throne room before returning to her knees, just below her master's feet.

Belos observed her, the glow still present. "Speak."

"Our..." Kikimora coughed. "Apologies. Our scouts have reported there have been growing acts of rebellion against you and the Emperor's Coven."

Belos stiffened his posture, and the Titan's heartbeat increased. "Explain."

Kikimora stood, clasping her tri-clawed hands. "Despite the capture of Raine Whispers and their fellow hooligans, their message of rebellion still echoes throughout the Isles. Sects like the BATTs are making their presence known in Bonesborough, Latissa, and other settlements. And they are not only made up of Wild Witches but—"

"But what?"

"They... they're also receiving support from witches already bound to covens."

The massive organ pulsed faster as Belos tightened his grip on the armrests of his throne, leaving deep grooves in the metal. "Then why are you telling me this, Kikimora?" Belos questioned, speaking with his voice and inside Kikimora's very mind. The imp felt like she had lost complete control of her body, frozen with fear. "Why haven't you deployed the soldiers to silence these insurrectionists? Suppose there are those straying from the Titan's path of their own volition. In that case, I expect my soldiers to drag them from their homes and parade on the streets like the pariahs they are. Then have them brought to the Conformatorium for petrification."

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