Chapter one

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Chapter 1 Skylar pov

"Today is a new year." I say pacing back and forth in my dorm. "Today I meet new people. A new team..." I look down and sigh, while clenching my fists. I walk over smoothly to my mirror and see the girl in front of me. Amber eyes staring back. I swiftly grab my hair tie and throw up my white hair in a high pony tail. My ears perk up hearing the sounds of new voices.
Going to my closet, I get my goggles and put them on my head. Looking through and deciding what I wear, I get my thigh high brown boots and my rusty color hand gloves. The left goes half way up to my arm while my right one is just a glove, they give off a metallic look. I slip on a red silky skirt. It flows down further in the back and short in the front. Grabbing a brown top and putting it on, my choppy bangs getting in my eyes, I blow them out of the way.
Glancing over at my 3 feet sword, it has a machine gun in the middle of it, with naked blades. One side is jagged and it's color had a red tint to it.
I walk out the door, quickly grabbing my bullet vest and not knowing what was happening, someone ran into me. "Hey!" Watch it!" I yell, sharply turning and looking at the person who bumped into me. My tail lashing back and forth as I see the person look up at me. "Maybe you should be more careful." A girl spoke coldly. Her blond hair in her face and running down her back. Her violet eyes glare at me. I look down at what she was wearing, a red plaid skirt and black pollo shirt with no sleeves. A red tie hung loosely around her neck. Bracelets around her skinny wrists and wearing a black glove. "Maybe, but maybe not. Hey, your new. What's your name?" I ask leaning up against the cool concert wall. She looks away and shakes her head a little. "I'm Sam Alkaev." Sam spoke softly. "Ahhh Russian, i see." I get a quick whiff of Sam, she smells a little bitter and metal like. I notice it quick and smirk. "A Russian vamp." Sam looks up surprised written a crossed her face "H-how did-" "I knew because I can smell what you are. I'm a Neko. A human that's a cat as you can see." I giggle and sway my white tail back and forth. I see Sam smile just a tiny bit before she goes back to her stoney face. "Mmmm anyway! Welcome to Misfit Academy! I'm Skylar Blue!" I say happily. "This is my second year! And I'm in the high class, room 323 'The SunRise Room.'" Sam nods a little and starts walking away. "Hey! I hope to see you around more!" I yell and smile big. "Yea, sure" I hear Sam mutter quietly.
I turn the other way Sam was and walk along side the grey walls. I hear all the voices in the hall, whispers about school and the first years. I giggle hearing students say stuff about me, when I don't know them! It's great that they know everything about me and I have no idea who they are.
I walk calmly to the entrance of the school and plop myself on the office desk. I hear something move, my ears perk up and I bring my nose in the air. I sniffle and notice the person. "Leon! Come out! I know you're here!" I shout glancing at every direction. "Ah, you found me." a smoothing voice said. A figure comes out of the shadows. His dark brown hair swept to the side, almost over his bright hazel eyes. "I didn't think you would notice me here." He spoke again, shoving his hands in the pocket of his black jeans. His blue plaid shirt button up and loosely hung on him. "Well it's easy to catch you, Leon" I reply and smirk. Leon Paws, a second year student like me. We compete against everything we can. "Mhm, anyway, today we'll be 'tour guides' for the first year students. I plan on being the best since you suck at people skills." I gape at him as I watch him turn his back at me and wait for a our firsties. "Why you-!" I begin to say but was interrupted when someone came in. "And that's the end for outside. Inside you'll be with Leon Paws and Skylar Blue." The voice of the fourth year student said. It was Mika Stone, his frosty white hair along with his stormy blue eyes, always charmed the ladies. Of course I was never charmed, he's just another jock who wants everybody's attention. I scan the first years real quick before I notice Mr.Hotshot coming.
He strides up to Leon and I and smiles showing way to bright of teeth, teeth that could blind you. Mika's hands clapped together and winked at me. I gaged, "Yes?" I asked, still sitting on the office desk. "Hello Skylar." Mika said and leaned closer. Leon got in between me and Mika. "Yes, hello Mika nice to see you." Leon spoke and his voice had irritation in it for sure. I notice that Leon and Mika are about the same height, which was 6'2". Now compared to me, I was 5 flat. Leon grabs my wrist roughly and pulls me off the desk "Hey! You don't have pull so hard." I say while being dragged by Leon. "Skylar and I will begin the tour now, goodbye Mika." Leon said and waved goodbye to Mika. "I hate that guy." He muttered and shook his head."Everyone does, I think." I reply and step away from Leon.
I skip up to our group and say excitedly, "Welcome to Misfit Academy! A school for all of kinds if species! Me and my friend here, Leon Paws, are the only Neko's here!" Everyone stares at me with a blank expression. "Okayyy, this way please." Leon says and gesture them to the main hall. We follow through, the tall maroon walls stood high with pictures of all the principles, the pillars were a creamy texture.
I glance up and notice a boy with dark blue hair and deep red eyes. He's shoulders were squared up and he stood straight, looking at every inch in the main hall. He wore a nice purple button up shirt with black jeans and white converse. He looked a little antsy, I causally walk over to him and hold my hand out, "Hi! I'm Skylar Blue!" I exclaim. The boy shook my hand with a nice firm grip. "Uh, hello, I'm Silver Stream." Silver said a little quiet. "Silver, that's a nice name and you don't have to be shy. I'm sure you'll make great friends." I spoke and patted his back softly.
Silver looked at me, he gave me a small smile and nodded. "Thanks, but I plan to study and work my best here." He said and started to walk away from. "Hey!" I say loudly, "It's ok to be shy." "I'm fine-!" Silver started to say, but got tripped by another student. He lands on the cold marble floor, very hard if I do say. Silver laid there for a moment.
One of the kids started to laugh which got more to laugh with them. "Stop laughing!" Leon shouts at them and starts disciplining the students. I jog over to Silver, who sits up and gets up quickly. "Silver are you-" I watch him dash off and goes around the corner. "Silver! Wait!" I yell. "I'll get him." Leon replies and follows after Silver.
I sigh and turn towards our group. "Silver is going to be ok, but for the people who tripped..." I smirked, "well you'll find out later." The boys who tripped him looked terrified. I walk up to the front of the group and began explaining everything "This is a school where all the misfits or special people come and learn how to control them selfs. They go on missions and they have higher an lower classes. Higher for those who've learned how to control them selfs and who are powerful. Lower is for the new ones coming in and still learning but everyone makes it to the higher class 'The Sun Rise Room' the lower class is 'The Sun Set Room.'" I say and walk up to a mission board. "You see you can pick any mission you want-" a loud scream interrupted me. The students looked a little scared.
"Don't worry stay here." I commanded and ran towards the scream. What I didn't know was three little first years were following me. I run around the corner and see Leon in a fighting stance, his face very stern. "Leon! What's going on!" I yell and run up next to him. "Well sky look ahead." Leon spoke his voice sounded almost...scared? I turn my head and see a big 4 and half feet wolf. It's fur all matted, the color was jet black. The eyes seemed to carry over to mine. I gritted my teeth and knowing who has those same red eyes.
"Silver." I say calmly. Silver growled an launched forward at me and Leon. Leon grabbed my hand and dodged Silver. I let go of Leon's hand and grab my sword. "Silver I don't want to-!" Silver's paw came at me and clawed my upper arm. I hissed out in pain and stagger back a little. The dark red liquid drooling down my arm. Leon gets out his throwing knifes, before he could throw, someone stepped in his way. "Move!!" Leon yelled. The girl stood in his way staring up at the beast.
I notice she's a first year, her white hair dripping down to her mid back, ivy blue eyes looking up at Silver. The girl calmly takes off her pure white glove and walks over to Silver. She giggles and gets closer, her creamy white dress moving along with every move she takes. Silver's eye got wide and he moved back.
A soft voice, that was so soft only me and Leon could hear, because of our ears. "Your name is Silver, right? I'm Vanilla Rose." The girl said and put her hand on Silver's muzzle. Right before I could something, another first year came in. "Vanilla!!" I another girl yelled.
I sweat dropped and Leon came over to check on me. "Sky, are you ok?" He asked worried filled his hazel eyes. "I'm fine." I replied, Leon scoffed and looked over. I follow his eyes and see that Silver changed back. He was smiling a little while the white hair girl talked to him. "Crazy day huh." I say. "Yea, let's go get you cleaned up." Leon said and drags me away from the scene. I smile, this year is going to be fun.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2015 ⏰

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