First of all, the source of litter is because of construction projects. The worker’s lunchtime waste, together with the building waste, is the culprit of litter produced from it. Secondly, laziness and carelessness have bred a culture of habitual littering. Typically, people have become too lazy and unwilling to throw away trash appropriately. Thirdly, there are also not enough dustmen to collect the rubbish. Most people don't want to be a dustman because they are not interested in collecting rubbish everywhere. Another source is the irresponsible drivers always throwing rubbish especially when there is a traffic jam on the road.
Besides, the consequences of litter will make us not be able to enjoy parks, beaches and more. The presence of litter makes a place unclean and unpleasant to look at. Litter also can have high cleanup costs. Millions of dollars are spent by municipalities annually in cleanup efforts to reduce littering. It is dangerous to people and animal's health. It will cause cholera and be poisonous. Moreover, litter can cause an increased probability of fires. People hardly believe that a cigarette could be enough to start a fire.
There are also solutions to reduce litter by putting up litter bins in town centers, walking routes, public areas, and near bus stops as well as fast-food restaurants that offer convenience in the disposal and collection of litter. Furthermore, residents also can aim an anti-litter campaign. It also can be incorporated in social media. We also can make strict fines for people who drop litter. Such laws work towards prohibiting illegal dumping and littering. Not only that, we can provide an environmental awareness education. It will allow individuals to explore environmental issues, engage in problem solving, and take action to improve the environment.