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Ink's POV

1 week later

I'm now at the Doodlesphere,working of course..
Yeah...it's been days also that I'm working nonstop, like...I didn't take any rest for each workdays
But I'm still fine,no worries
I'm also making an art now on my canvas
It was me and my lovers

'Hey Ink! I need your help with my Au!'
One of the creators said

I quickly hide my art and other stuffs then...
"How can I help you?" I asked

'Well...I'm losing motivation again...and I think the designs are bad,I need to improve it'

"Oh okay,hang on
Let's see what can I do.." I muttered


Tbh...that was very tiring...
It was harder than I thought..
Ugh,some creators are really choosy sometimes
I was now off my duty until...

'Ink! I think there's something wrong on my creation!'

One of the creators said again

'Haha! U poor Ink,u don't deserve to have rest!'
It was one of the bad creators exclaimed which made me just chuckled

'Hey! Don't u dare say that again to Ink!'

'What? It's true,a soulless bitch doesn't deserve any rest!'

'Get the fuck out of here!'

'No u get the fuck out of here!'

*sigh* here we go again..
'Hey Ink,just don't listen to that bitch,anyways,where were we?
Oh yeah,my creation was glitching!'
The good creator exclaimed in panic
"What Au is it again?" I asked
'Oh it's Gametale'
"Okay I'll go to your Au or something.." I said as I made a portal to that Au they mentioned and stepped in

I'm now at Gametale
Welp...it is actually glitching
The trees are like fading away
The floor was glitching
And a bunny monster was just hopping around nonstop
'I dunno what just happened, I just took a rest in 5 days and when I went back,my creation started to get weird'
The creator said
"Yeah okay I can fix this..." I tiredly said
I then grabbed my broomie and my phone suddenly rang
I grabbed my phone to see it was Dream
I answered it but suddenly
NIGHTMARE WON'T GIVE BACK MY WEAPON!!!" He yelled,making me cover my nonexistent ears
"Ugh Dream,calm down,I'm still in work,let me finish this and I'll help ya" I calmly said
"But Ink-" and...I hung up
My phone started to ring again,I saw it was Error, I answered it
"Sup" I greeted

"Hey Inky,me and Nightmare invited you on the dinner tonight at Nightmare's castle,I hope you're gonna go.." Error said
"Of course I will!" I said still trying to be hype
"Really? Thanks Inky!
Tonight at 7pm" He said happily and I quickly hang up cuz I know he's about to talk more
I started fixing the Au
And my phone rang again
I saw it was Blue

'Ink please be hurry,I need to do something with my creation after h fix it' the creator said

Sorry Blue...I'm busy
I declined Blue's call

-timeskip- UwU

"There *cough*....done.." I tiredly said,I think I'm getting cold cuz it's snowing here...
I need to get out of here
I then grabbed my phone first to see it was now 6pm
Oh no,dinner starts at 7pm
I then made a portal on the floor and hopped on it
I'm now on my room at the Star Sanses Base
I noticed there are some paperworks that needs to be finish til tomorrow on the desk
Oh fucking paperworks..
Hmm..maybe I can still do it...I hope
I then tiredly sat down on my chair and infront of me was the papers
I was gonna start to work on them until I smell something burning...
I looked on my door to see some smoke started to get in
Oh not again!

I teleported on the kitchen and nearly fell on the ground of how weak I am now
I started to look for Blue,I saw him covering his mouth and nose with his hand while using the fire extinguisher on the big fire that was on the stove
I grabbed my broomie and quickly splashed the fires with water
After that
The smoke started to die down as well
"Ink! Where were you,I've been trying to call u,u won't answer me!" Blue whined
"Sorry Blue I gotta go" I said and teleported back to my room then laid my head on the desk
I noticed the clock,it was now 6:30pm
Oh no...I don't wanna miss the dinner...
But these paperwork are still also important for my job of being the guardian of aus...
I slowly straighten up myself and started working with the papers

"𝗟𝗼𝘃𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲 𝗖𝗼𝗻𝗳𝗶𝗱𝗮𝗻𝘁𝘀"(ErrorInkMare/Error x Ink x Nightmare)Where stories live. Discover now