chapter 1

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Izumi's pov

I was like a hundred percent sure my dad was going to jail.i mean after what he did to my brother I was sure he'll get some jail time! But no he had to of been given the best layer u.a could find .as if they didn't u.a would be black listed forever so they had to help him But did shine some light on my brother. apparently he's a new species of human(no matter how crazy it sounds) it actually kind of cool to think about, because we come from the same parents and he's like a super superior human. While I'm just a above average super human. Now that im comparing us I realise I'm not really that big of a deal in comparison. But I'm still dad's favourite if I like it or not. Which leads into my current situation.

My dad decided to bring me along to I-island. To meet uncle Dave to repair his suite after my boyfriend destroyed it. Which has me stuck on a private jet with my now crazy I'm having a terrible time But its not like its the thing he did to izuku. hell he tryed to kill him on live television. He's been very weird about that. So I don't want to bring it up. As anything regarding my brother is brand.

I'm wasting time on my phone when the plane dad became his buff form and left the plane. We where both in costume as quirks weren't prohibited here like in any other country. I'm dreading seeing Melissa sure where friends and I've know her most my life but I'm going to have to see if she remembered about my brother. As she's quirkless like he was/is? But after some site walking we see Mr.shield.

He was waiting at a fountain in a very nice garden type place. He greeted my dad and talked for a bit. But I'm more focused on Melissa who was approaching me on a red pogo-stick? That's weird. He stopped right infront of me and made the pogo-stick shrink down and put it into her pocket.

Melissa "hey izumi. Long time no see, how's it bin going"

Her greeting was nice and friendly. If she know what we did she wouldn't be that friendly.

Me "Me I'm doing good. Just peachy. How about you!"

Melissa "I'm doing great. But how about I show you some new gadgets and we catch up."

Me "Catching up sounds is good we have a lot to talk about."

So she brings me to walk me through the stuff there on the expo. Some of it was cool like the diving suite that looks like a alien but it not important rigth now. I need to talk to her about izuku. She was telling me about this helmet when I Decided to say it to her.

Me "Melissa, there's something I really need to talk to you about"

She was a bit surprised but just pushed up her glasses.

Melissa "is it why you're acting all weird ?"

Me "yeah it is."

Melissa "so what is it?"

I mustard up the courage to tell her and spoke.

Me "well Melissa do you remember my brother?"

Melissa them seemed to realise something and then got a remorseful look on her face.

Melissa "oh its because your thinking about your brother. Its good that you dedicated to finally talk about him after all this time. But I guess it takes longer for people to grieve"

Me "grieve?"

Melissa "I know that his death must of been hard on your family and at such a young age it must of really affected you"

Death! They thought he died! Jesus crist!. That's why they didn't ask about him, they just thought he died and we didn't want to say anything about it because of grief. This is going to be worse then I thought. Not only do I have to explain to her that infact my brother is still alive and well but the reason we didn't talk about him after we turned 4 was because we forgot about him entirely after he was diagnosed quirkless. I'm now sure she won't be able to handle what I'm about to say to her. But It was interrupted by momo startling me.

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