chapter 2 desperado

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Third person

Izuku was getting ready in his room with his partners. They where talking about the party and the outfits they chosen. and helping them get changed.

Uraraka "I've never been to a fancy party before"

Kirishima "I know right it's so cool!"

Shoka "I have, its just a lot of people standing around eating small foods."

Izukus who had just put on a turtleneck sweater chimed in.

Izuku "how small we talking here?. Because I've get a increased metabolism for a while so I might have to eat a lot"

He started to brushed his hair back in the mirror and put some gel in to keep it down but a stray hair kept coming out. He decided to leave it and put on his scouter.

Shoka "by the way whats with the saiki k glasses? And can you help me zip up my dress"

He turned around to face her and zipped up her dress to which she gave a small thank you.

Izuku "they have a artificial intelligence connected to them named skynet. Say hello sky"

His glasses glowed for a second and a female voice comes out.

Sky "greeting I'm Sky. Izukus new personal a.i"

Kirishima "sweet you got a a.i that's manly."

Sky "thank you Kirishima eijiro"

Uraraka was putting a hair band on and spoke up.

Uraraka "so do you think your dad will try something again at the party. "

Izuku puts on a red jacket and shrugged his shoulders.

Izuku "honestly I have no idea but just to be sure let's not go near him."

Shoka "alright"

Kirishima "I agree to that"

Uraraka "sure"

Izuku looked around and made sure everybody was dressed and ready.

Izuku "alright let's g-oh! wait I need to get sam"

Izuku then walked over to the bed and on the pillow was a pocket sized Sam asleep.

Uraraka "I still can't believe you got him past airport security in your pocket"

Izuku just put Sam in his breast pocket and walked back.

Izuku "to be honest I'm surprised they let bakugou on the plane and He sweats nitroglycerin so what's the harm in bringing Sam with me?"

Shoka "you are right it's probably the least harmful thing you could of brought"

Kirishima "too bad the made us leave are swords"

Shoka/Uraraka "yeah"

After that they left for the party. Well the lobby outside the party they had to wait for momo, tsu and Tokyami. In another room izumi and bakugou where getting ready.

Izumi's was putting some makeup on while bakugou was in the bathroom. He yelled something to Izumi but she couldn't hear him.

Izumi "babe I can't hear what you're saying! Just come in the room"

Bakugou walked out the bathroom in a black suit with a yellow and orange flower on the collar.

Bakugou "I was asking about what you a shado where talking about."

She turned to look at him with green eyeliner on.

Izumi "oh it was just some stuff. You know he got hit by my dad's. . Car and my dad was pissed .so I wanted to say sorry"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2021 ⏰

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